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Today was the first time I was summoned to the infirmary and not went there because I was invited or injured or bring RG some tea. I was simply summoned to get there.

Once I arrived there I saw Sato laying on the bed next to my waifu.

RG: Don't worry I made sure she won't cheat on you ever again.

Me: Awww thank you.

RG: So the reason I called you here is because of him?

I looked over to Sato.

Me: What did he do?

RG: Apparently he never heard of Diabetes! That guy was training his quirk and had Lunch Rush made I don't know how many plates of donut and muffins and cookies.

[A/N: Why didn't I get a cookie?]

Me: And?

RG: As you can see he is sick to his stomach and passed out because of it. His quirk has a limit too.

Me: So why am I here?

RG: Oh just to spend some quality time with me and your wife. By the way you are excused for the rest of the day.

Me: Oh sweet.

RG: So I called you here because I needed some to talk to because of this stupidity.

Me: Well it is his quirk after all.

RG: But quirks have a limit and a drawback too!

Me: Well looks like he never heard of his.

RG: Clearly not.

Me: So it was not Aizawa who ordered him to eat that much?

RG: No, heck no. That guy knows his stuff and he also knows what would happen if I had the boy in my room because of something that's stupid.

Me: Then who trained with him? I don't think he went to Lunch Rush asking him to make him that many. I believe he would have said no.

RG: He would have said that definitely and he would have refused it too if he knew for what all the food was.

Me: Then who made him eat so many?

RG: Ectoplasm.

Me: What? But he barely teaches us anything.

RG: I don't know how or why or anything. I just know that Ectoplasm just dragged him here and nearly put him on your wife.

Me: *Gasp* How could he!

RG: Well he got what he deserves!

With that RG went to the back curtain and pulled it open. There was Ectoplasm laying on another bed behind Sato also completely unconscious.

Me: Let me guess, you whacked some sense into him?

RG: I had to!

Me: Reasonable.

RG: That stupid idiot!

Me: I can make things worse.

RG: No!

Me: YES!

RG: NO! I don't want to hear it!

Me: Sato was also preparing himself and training for an eating contest.

RG: For god's sake please tell me it was not something sweet.

Me: Cake eating contest!

RG: Flip this! I'm leaving them be. They will need another healer.

Me: oop poor guys!

RG: This is ridiculous! Why eat so many sweets?

Me: I don't know. Maybe sugar addict.

RG: Please tell me is not that dumb.

Me: two words: Sugar water!

RG: I'm out! I'll the rest of the day off or I'll kill these two.

Me: I can understand that. Want me to get you some tea?

RG: No. I'm going to talk to Nezu. This is getting ridiculous.

Me: Kay.

Just like that we both went out of the room and everyone went their own way.

Chillen and Spillen some TeaWhere stories live. Discover now