chapter twenty seven

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Does mommy agree?" I asked Angelina who unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled on top of me. "Mommy agrees" She said as she nodded and I unbuckled my seatbelt and put it around the both of us.

"Why is she still nodding?" The twins asked making me look at her to see her still nodding. "She's mimicking a bobble head" I said as my mafia phone began to ring.

"Do a vlog" I said as I gave Damon my personal phone and gave Ale, Angelina's phone. I answered Dante's calling pressing it on my ear.

"Happy holidays Nicolas" Dante said making me roll my eyes, "Spit it out" I said. "Where is Carmelo buried?" He asked.

"What?" I asked clearly confused, "Where is he buried?" He asked. "His parents wanted to do their own burial so Alfonzo gave them his body." I said as Angelina's phone began to ring making Ale give it to her.

"Did you ever actually see his dead body?" He asked, "No. Why?" I asked. "Well someone who looks exactly like him has been spotted in New York" He said.

"And where exactly in New York?" We both asked making me look over to Angelina who is taking off her goggles. "Around Angelina's community." Dante said.

"No Alfonzo told me he was dead" I said as Angelina unbuckled the seatbelt and crawled over to her side, she put headphones on the twins and gave them ipads.

"Alfonzo also kidnapped Angelina and your children then stabbed her five times." He said. "This can not be about her, he didn't meet her at all." I said.

"Nicolas I promise you this is.....oh. Oh she works fast." He said. "I put two men on him just to watch him and then a group of men just grabbed him and shoved him into a van headed for Angelina's building."

"She works fast" I said as I glanced at her, "Yes that is what I said but yes he is on her soil but he is an Italian citizen." He said.

"Angelina won't do anything to him, find out anything there is to know on Alfonzo and him alongside anyone who was working with him because clearly I don't know my own team anymore" I said as I hung up and sighed.

"Dead friend no longer dead" Angelina said as she yawned, "I figured you would tell me." I said as I locked hands with her. "I don't work near any holidays, your mother was the only exception" She said.

"So Carmelo is going to have to wait?" I asked and she nodded, shortly after that we arrived at the lodge that Angelina owns and had cleared out and replaced with her men and women.

"This is exciting!" Damon said as he jumped up and down, I called Dante whom answered quickly. "Go to Angelina's building and talk to Carmelo. No torturing." I said.

"I may or may not have married his fiancée" He said as I walked into the lodge itself. "What did you say?" I asked. "Look she was grieving I was grieving choices were made, I am a family man now." He said.

I scoffed as I chuckled "You cheat on her every day. You are in New York to cheat." I said as I hung up. "Ski!" I turned around to see Angelina and the twins in their ski attire.

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Angelina ski'd once ended up bumping into a tree and then throwing up. So that was it for her so she was put on camera duty which surprisingly worked.

The twins and I ski'd, snowboarded, and did a lot of outside things and Angelina dragged us inside now to eat and relax.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate as I stared out the window. "Is she alright?" One of the workers asked making me trace their gaze to see Angelina staring at a chair.

Always Yours | 18+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon