"Huh?" And of course Jungkook had to make me repeat myself.

"I." I stammered, dropping my gazes on the floats. "Your hand. Give me your hand."

"Ohhh" he giggled at me before holding out his big hand for me. "Here."

I grabbed his hand as he helped me get on the floats right beside him, on his left. I sat down beside him and because this is a float created for lying down, having two people sitting legs-crossed kind of reduce the space. And even if I didn't want to, I still sat really close to Jungkook and straightened my legs.

"What were you saying about Jaehyun earlier?" I asked.

"Jaehyun called. Seulhi needed 3 stitches under her chin and 2 of her nails broken." He explained and just mentioning her name was enough to make my good mood turned foul.

"And so what? You pity her?" I didn't know I have this kind of attitude inside of me but due to my current mood, I didn't even bother to rethink or rephrase whatever I was saying.

Jungkook became silent as he studied my expression. His eyes fixated on me for few seconds before he answered, "Honestly, I don't know what to feel right now."

And that got me snapped my head to face him, " And why is that? You still have feeling for her?" I tried to hide the frown on my face but a part of me was refusing. Somehow, I wanted him to see how frustrated I was to have him say that. "You shouldn't have bother yourself with me if you still love her. I don't really mind if Yugyeom take me to the hospital. You could have taken her."

Jungkook shifted his position a bit to sit slightly in front of me. That gave me a full view of his face and that grew my frown deeper. "But I worry it would hurt you."

I scoffed at him, looking away. "After all that type and that don't show your face in front of me again." I mocked him seriously, still not looking at his way. "I knew you don't really meant it. I mean she's beautiful and who in the right mind would forget those big breasts and that curves. Even when I was punching the life out of her, I wonder what type of moisturizer she uses for her skin."

"Right?! I'm glad there's someone who understand me." His answer made me to turn my head facing him again. I just looked at him for few seconds, taking a deep breath and breathed out. It took all my willpower to refrain the frown that was appearing on my face.

I felt anger building up inside of me but for some unknown reason, an entirely different emotion quickly took over.

And before I know it, tears had started to pool in my eyes.

What is this complicated emotions?

"Gosh, I'm freezing." I lied, pretending to use my palms to rub my face, while in fact I was trying to prevent the tears from falling down. After that, none of us said anything and the silence only resulted in more tears produced in my eyes. It was a silent tears but somehow it hurts more than anything having to forcefully hold back a sob and prevented them from falling.

How is my anger leads to me crying!

"Have I ever told you, Scarl?" Jungkook asked suddenly. I didn't even bother to turn look at him considering the tears that was still consistently pooling in the pocket of my eyes. I kept my focus on the reflection of the moon on the water surface to wander my mind off somewhere but not that it work.

Don't blink. Don't blink Scarlet.

"What?" I said, proud of the voice that come out of my throat.

"That you blush so easily?" He added and if it wasn't for the tears in my eyes right now, I would have looked at him and acted all confused, but I could not. I wanted to pull my knees up and cried in them so bad.

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