Last One - Act 3, Scene 5

Start from the beginning

Joe: No, no I haven't - well not in here specifically, but outside, yeah.

Bailey looks disappointed

Joe: Ok ok look. I'm trying to quit, but tonight was not the night to start.

Bailey: Cause of the stress?

Joe: (sarcastically) No because of the weather. Of course because of the fucking stress.

Bailey: Alright jeez, someone gets crappy when they haven't had (talks louder) their 'daily dose of cigarettes.'

Joe puts his hands over Bailey's mouth

Joe: Seriously shut up. And don't tell my mum, got it?

Bailey: Yeah yeah alright whatever nerd.

Joe: Ugh.

Bailey: Anyways, I need to get back up there to see patients with the old guy so I'll see ya around.

Joe: Old guy?

Bailey: The proper psychiatrist guy.

Joe: Oh, yeah alright bye.

Bailey: Byeeee.

Ethan and Joe meet back at the waiting room

Ethan: Adele said they're in a room so we can go.

Joe: Are you sure Dem will even wanna see me? After what she said earlier.

Ethan: I dunno, maybe you'll be able to explain why you fucked off. Not even I know what happened so this will be interesting.

Joe and Ethan make their way to Demi's room

Ethan: (to Adele) Hey babe. You okay?

Adele: Yeah yeah fine.

Ethan kisses Adele

Joe: Where's Demi?

Adele: Just gone for an X-ray.

Ethan: So what'd they say about the damage to her spine?

Adele: They don't know yet so they've gone to do an X-ray. I'm just hoping it won't be too bad.

Joe: Yeah that's what I'm hoping as well.

Adele: Where were you in all this?

Joe: What?

Adele: Where were you? She was with you last and then you pissed off.

Joe: I was outside.

Adele: Doing what? You were meant to stay with her!

Joe: I...I was smoking.

Adele: So let me get this straight. You said to Demi you were going to get a drink. But instead of telling her the truth, you fucked off outside to go smoke. And do whatever else. Probably kiss your ex knowing you.

Ethan: Was that why Kira was out there?

Adele: Hang the fuck on, Kira was out there with him! As in his EX Kira...

Joe: She was just out there smoking too. But yeah...we kissed.

Adele: You literally just kissed Demi. And now you're kissing your fucking ex! Why the fuck she wants to be you I don't know.

Joe: She does?

Adele: She did. Until you left her standing in the middle of prom to go run off to your ex.

Joe: What even happened? Like why are we here?

Adele: Fucks sake you're so oblivious.

Ethan: Adele, hun, I love you but calm down a bit you're yelling.

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