I will kill her later. But first I had to deal with the blonde fallen in my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" Clarke said, looking up at me.

I honestly kind of forgot I was holding onto her as I stared off in the direction Luna ran off in.

"I don't really do birthdays I guess," I said with a shrug, as I let go of her to stand on her own.

"That's not acceptable Woods, we are throwing you a party," Octavia said with a big smile, wiggling around on Lincoln's lap.

"Oh please don't," I said back, shaking my head.

"Come on please," Raven said, begging with Octavia.

"Remind me to kill your girlfriend later Reyes," I said with a sigh, but she was too excited and jumping with joy with Octavia to care.

"Hey," a sweet and innocent voice said beside me and I looked down to my beautiful blonde girlfriend looking up at me.

"Yes?" I said, turning my body to face hers.

"Happy birthday," she said quietly before going up on her toes to push her lips against mine.

"Thank you," I said quietly as we pulled away, looking into her eyes as our faces slowly moved farther away from each other's.

The bell finally rang and we went to our normal classes until it was time for lunch.

I was on my way to meet up with Clarke and the rest of the group when I was stopped. By the last person I ever thought it would be.


"What do you want?" I growled as I tried to walk past him.

"Wait!" He said, stepping in front of me so I couldn't walk by him. I rolled my eyes again.

"Move," I said as I felt my jaw tightening. I looked straight at him coldly. He didn't move so I went to walk past him again.

"Look I'm sorry okay," he said and I stopped, turning to look at him.

Never in a million years did I expect him to ever say that to me. It was honestly weirder than anything he has ever done and felt like a trap. But I turned to look at him anyway.

"What?" I asked in complete confusion, deciding to see how this played out.

"For Finn," he said, he said a little quieter, nervously looking around.

"You are the one who hit him, why are you apologizing?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking at him.

"Because I heard what he said to you. About your dad," he said quietly, looking around to make sure nobody was around or heard.

My back stiffened and I dropped my arms from there crossed position. As soon as he said that, I looked around nervously as well, pushing him to the side of the hallway and out of earshot of anyone around.

"And you are sorry because?" I asked quietly, about to punch his face in for bringing this up at school.

I hate Bellamy. With a strong passion.

And he hates me too. This didn't make any sense.

"Because no matter how much I hate you," he started to say and I scoffed a bit, nodding my head because that was the only part of this whole interaction that made any sense whatsoever.

"Nobody deserves that," he finished quietly. He actually looked sincere.

"So that's why you hit Finn. Because you think I didn't deserve it?" I clarified, looking around again, not looking him in the eye, barely believing him.

I swear fealty to you (Clexa fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat