Part 12

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Clarke POV:

I was calmer than usual the past few days. I am pretty sure that I had uncovered all of Lexa's secrets. I wasn't 100% in that but I had the feeling like I could relax for a little bit. It was a little hard to explain.

I went to school happier than usual, it was overall just a good day for me. I got to school and I saw Lexa. She had kept her distance a little bit, maybe it was because all her secrets were revealed or that she just beat up Octavia's brother again and didn't want to push it. I just kind of chose to believe that last one.

I got to my group and I had realized they had all started their personal project. I had completely forgotten about that. The first part of the assignment had been released last week and I haven't done a single thing. Find something you're passionate about and describe it in your own way why you love it. It was pretty simple but that was only step 1.

I knew what I was going to do. Art, that's what I was passionate about. I would go to the art room after school and sketch out something beautiful, I'm not sure what yet, but something. Raven was going to build something, Octavia bought and would raise Caterpillars that would turn into butterflies. I actually thought that it was pretty cute. Monty was growing some plant or algae of some sort and Lexa, I really wanted to know what she was going to do.

I saw Octavia standing with Lincoln, something looked off with her. Then I realized Bellamy wasn't at school today. "Hey O, where's Bell?" I asked her. She looked at me all sad and said "he's in the hospital, broken nose." Ohh, yes, that's right, from when Lexa hit him perfectly in the face before running off. I felt kinda bad about that considering I brought her that day.

Lexa POV:

When I got to school I saw Clarke, I didn't go up to her or talk to her for a number of reasons including the fact that I punched her best friends brother. Speaking of Bellamy, I went to my locker and saw some of his friends, but not him. He must be out recovering from the punch I gave him, I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.

When getting my stuff, I realized I hadn't started my personal project that everyone was buzzing about. I had been so wrapped up in Clarke that I completely forgot, and I assume she did as well. "Something I'm passionate about..." I mumbled under my breath. I'm not sure. The only thing that came to my mind was soccer. I did love it and it was something I was good at.

That would do it then, I had practice today and after I would record myself doing drills and skills to make the assignment more exciting.

The bell rang and I went to class. Damn, my work is really starting to pile up. I got 2 new assignments in my biology class and homework in my other classes. My mind was so distracted I didn't even see a familiar blonde sitting at the front of the classroom. Was Clarke Griffin in my biology class? How did I never realize this? I sat in the far back so the teacher couldn't notice when I stopped paying attention to her when she was speaking.

I saw her turn around and smile at me. That smile, it made my stomach do a loop. Oh my goodness, no,
that can't be happening. The last time I felt that feeling was with Costia,"dammit" I whispered under my breath. I looked back to Clarke, she was so beautiful and breathtaking. Wow. Wait no. Stop, I can't.

After class was over I walked out quickly trying to hurry to my next class. I saw Clarke try to come over and talk to me but I was faster. I could feel the disappointing look she glared at my back as I hurried down the hallway. I felt kinda bad but I couldn't let myself fall for this girl. Or maybe I already did if I had to go to such great lengths to avoid her.

I thought about her all the way to my next class until I was stopped by a few of Bellamy's friends. "Great," I said as they walked up to me. Finn, Murphy and Atom were all making their way up to me, blocking my line to my next classroom. "What do you want" I said in a very unenthusiastic and unimpressed voice. "No need to get worked up" Finn said they all laughed. I wasn't quite as amused. "We want you to pay for what you did to Bell" Atom shot from behind Finn. After he said that, Murphy smacked the books out of my hand. Wow, very original.

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