Part 11

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Clarke POV:

The weekend crawled up on us and I hadn't received any phone calls from Lexa. I can only assume that she hasn't hurt herself again. I hope she didn't at least. I was currently getting ready to meet Octavia and Raven for our weekly hangout session. I felt kind of bad because all week I haven't really been focused on them, but tonight they would have all my attention.

Octavia POV:

Raven arrived at my house first, she always did. She's the earliest person I've ever met. We were both sort of worried about Clarke because she has been pretty distant lately. I personally think it has to do with Lexa and the fact that she showed up to school with Clarke that one day. Raven and I exchanged hugs and glances as she walked in and started talking. Raven was going through a lot because she and her boyfriend Finn had just broken up. Clarke doesn't know yet because she hasn't been around for Raven to talk to.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I put my hand on her shoulder. Raven instantly started to break down. I could feel her sadness because I personally had been there before. Finn had cheated on her. This broke Raven down to her bones because her and Finn grew up together, Finn was Raven's lifeline before she met me and Clarke. They were family and when Finn cheated, I don't think Raven will recover.

Raven was so in love with Finn I thought they would be together forever, which seems crazy because we are in highschool but that's how powerful her love was for him. I thought that was how he felt for her but I guess I was wrong.

I was holding Raven in my arms as she sobbed. I hated seeing her like this. I was rubbing her back and wiping the tears off her face when there was a knock at the door. Clarke was here. Raven stood straight up and went to the bathroom trying to clean herself up before she talked to Clarke. I opened the door and greeted her. "Hey Clarke" I said "hey O," she responded, throwing me into a hug.

Raven peered around the corner and Clarke caught a glimpse of her and said "Raven what's wrong?" Walking towards her. Raven's eyes were puffy and red and you could easily tell she was crying. Before Clarke could get closer I pulled her arm and said "Clarke come here I will tell you."

I told her all about what happened as Raven went back to the bathroom to try once again to pull herself together. After I was done, Clarke got up and went to the bathroom door to knock it. Raven came out, her eyes were still puffy from crying but tears weren't falling anymore. Progress I guess. Clarke wrapped her in a hug and said "I'm so sorry this happened, and I'm sorry I wasn't here" Raven reciprocated the hug and it wasn't long until I threw myself into the hug, earning smiles from both girls.

After we got all our tears out we made our way back for the living room. "So Clarke, what have you been up to lately" Raven asked suspiciously. I wanted to know too because she wasn't acting like herself. "Um not much, I've been painting, and going down to the beach a lot" Clarke said, not recognizing the interrogation. Me and Raven both made eye contact, knowing she was lying.

"Are you sure it doesn't have to do with a certain brown haired girl that really likes to beat the shit out of my brother?" I added quietly as I looked at her. She looked up at me and said "no, why?" Obviously still lying. This time me and Raven just decided to drop it because she clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"So Octavia, you and Lincoln?" Clarke said changing the subject but I couldn't help but blush at the sound of Lincoln's name. "It's going good, I think he really likes me" I told them, swinging my arms nervously at my sides and looking at the ground to hide the blush on my cheeks. Both girls smiled at my reaction. "Yeah O, I saw him put his arm around you protecting you we Lexa went off on Bell" Raven said, eyeing Clarke. She was trying to get her to break. "Yeah, he makes me feel safe" I told them, eying Raven to cut it out.

"I'm glad you feel safe and you like him O," Clarke said, wrapping me into another hug, she obviously didn't see Ravens glare. "Thank you Clarke, I know you guys worry about me but I feel like Lincoln is different." I said. "Cause we haven't heard that one before" Raven said in a snarky tone and Clarke just hit her on the arm.

I get it though, I was going on about how I was liking someone when she was just cheated on and dumped by the person she loved. So I stopped the conversation from going any further and turned on a movie. We laughed all night and overall had a really great night. I think Raven started to forget about Finn and it felt like we had the old Clarke back too. I was happy.

Lexa POV:

I got a call from Lincoln, it was a little unusual, I haven't really talked to him in a while. I mean, he doesn't know about what my dad does, or that I cut myself or anything really about my home life but we were friends I guess. I answered the phone and said "hey stranger!" That made him laugh, "hey Lex, I just wanted to talk because Octavia is with her friends and I need someone to talk to." "Oh, how's that going by the way?" I responded. "What?" He said. "You and Octavia, aren't you guys a thing?" I asked him. He went quiet, I knew he was smirking through the phone.

"No, we're not, well not yet" he said and I could feel his smile through the phone. This made me smile cause I could tell he was happy. "Good because I could feel her jealous eyes on me when we hugged and the whole time I was around." I said laughing. "Well that also could be because you don't have the best past with her brother." He said. Oh shit, I completely forgot about that. "That may be true but I'm pretty sure it was because she wanted to be with you." I said back.

He was quiet. I knew he was smiling. "You should go for it," I said, trying to build his confidence from the silence he let linger. "Really?" He asked. "For sure, she definitely likes you Linc." I said. I hadn't called him that in a long time, "so what are you waiting for?" "I-I don't want to ruin our friendship," he said nervously.

"I get that" and I did. I didn't want to ruin something that was already pretty good. But this wasn't about me. "I know Lincoln, but Octavia seems so sweet and genuine that she would be really good to talk to, so maybe start there?" I said. "How are you so good at giving advice on girls?" he said laughing back. "Well I'm obviously a pro at getting them to fall for me" I said dramatically, laughing with him. "Thanks Lex." He said before ending the call.

Immediately after, my face fell back to my normal face, taking my mask off once again. The urge to call Clarke weighed on my chest but I could fight it on my own and I didn't want to worry her. Clarke. I thought about her as I went to bed. That good thing I didn't want to ruin when I was talking to Lincoln, it was her.

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