Chapter Twelve

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“She did what!!!!!!” Rahul’s voice exhaled a boiling amusement.

“I mean, which sane girl does that? I can’t believe she touched it when me and my dick both were asleep”. I scoffed while recounting the chats that Gin and I exchanged this morning.

“You gawk at her boobs, she measures your dick in return. Hechos el uno para el o! What the hell Vivek is doing between you guys? Laying eggs?”

“I’m sure he has observed how deeply I’m involved in Gini. Still he doesn’t quit.”

Rahul shoved full fists of chips into his dirty mouth and brushed off his hands and jumped on the sofa, “I actually have an idea. You may not like it.”

“I don’t like it”

“I didn’t even say anything”

“See, I don’t like it either”

“Listen to me”

“I’m not going to date anyone”

“just pretend to”

“I’m not good with these shit. Pretend and act. Too much work”

“Lets find you a girl from Gin’s school. Pretend to like her. If this made her jealous, you would know your next move”

“Which is”?

“Knock the enemy out”

“And if this didn’t make her jealous….”

He crossed his arms and swept his tongue over his lips to collect the granular chips and nibble on that. He just reminded me of the frogs how they stick their tongue onto the prey and pull it back into mouth. A white frog!

“Then you can stop fool around and date this fake girlfriend in real”. He quipped.

Why did I have a sudden feeling of smacking Rahul’s head real hard? Ahhahh! Because he is an idiot! A hopeless clueless idiot! And idiots need to be smacked, punched and kicked.

Past few hours, he had been blabbing about some weirdest shits regarding how to get back Gin. Most of his ideas were instantly thrown into the place where it came from; a dustbin.

But a least number of them were somewhat worth considering. Pretending to date a random girl to make your girl feel jealous got to be the oldest trick of all times from eighties to till date and unbelievably it had never failed.

“But I am not even sure if she would ever feel the way I did for her… something tells me I shouldn’t do it” I lamented.

“Some one tells you that you should”. He pointed his index at his own face.

After a lot of ‘if’, ‘even’, ‘no’, ‘how could it be’, ‘how could it not be’, when we could not decide whether to follow this pretending game or not, Rahul yelled, “Let’s decide this in a polished way then. Like an adult.”

One. Two. Three.

Rock. Paper. Scissor.

He had rock. I had scissor. He won. I sighed.

“Settled then. I will have it all figured out by tomorrow.” Rahul jogged on our wooden porch and did some boxing stunts to make it look like a whole fucking war!

To say this was probably the worst idea would be an understatement. God must have been laughing his ass off as baby Naman sought a little help and Rahul happened to be the only help Mighty Jesus have found for me.

I’m fucked! Ruthlessly and horribly fucked!

Rahul immediately displayed few photos in his phone and asked me to pick a girl.

Yeah, I too believed it was a crazy idea but Rahul won’t let it rest, not until he proved himself as the perfect love guide.

“Pick one. They are all pretty. How about I set you with two. You can two time. If you want to eat candies, the more the merrier.” Rahul quipped, almost unaware of how idiotic he sometimes sounds.

I can’t believe I was seeking an advice from this idiot. Is it wise to rely on an ass when it comes to save your own ass?

I snatched his phone and chose one randomly, “I will go with her”

“Mmmm lovely.. she is Maya. Sits in the same classroom as Gini. And…” he said while trying to remember something.


“I don’t remember exactly… will feed you later…” He chatted something in Maya’s number and announced, “Done, man. She will meet you tomorrow after school.”

Rahul scrolled down the photos once again and mumbled, “There was something about this girl I had heard…but…”He strolled past me and went outside, dangling his phone and forgetting my existence.

This is how he is! He easily forgets things and when he tries to remember what he had forgotten, he forgets the thing that he wants to remember. God has misplaced his brain with nothing.

“So this Maya chick, she lives in block C, near your home. So you can meet her outside your house too. And she sings too. You won’t be bored….” Rahul kept feeding me few information about the girl and every fraction of his plans looked like Final Destination movies. A striking Red alert!

We departed after few more useless plans and ideas that Rahul had conferred on me. My heart gave me a rapid snappy feeling, you know, the kind of feeling when you’re threatened by hunger but you are just full looking at the dishes.

So, I wanted to give this idea a second thought before jumping to it.


The next day, Rahul entered the classroom with a wide grin on his face, proceeded towards my desk and did a top spin, “Big day big day…”.

“What if it backfires and I get caught? You know, I will stab you to death, right”? I said it darting my narrowed eyes at him.

“Don’t worry I won’t die virgin. I have a reputation to keep.” Rahul lifted his arm for a victorious high five and waited for me to knock it.

Look at this poor bastard! Where does he get his confidence from? If there is a fire breakout in a forest, and it requires major amount of water to extinguish the fire before spreading, Rahul would volunteer to do his part just by urinating his tank out.. He is that confident!

“So… what do I say or do when the girl Maya would be around”? I asked.

“Don’t worry man! She will take over.” He waved his hand at me and gave me a smug.

“Why is she helping me anyway”?

“She is Jesus” Rahul lifted his right hand, touched his fingertips on his forehead, dragged it on the centre of his chest, then touched his left shoulder and right shoulder orderly.

“You forgot to say Amen” I taunted.

“May Lord Maya save your ass” Rahul tossed me a carefree cheeky smile which set off my fear tremendously.

I was in quandary whether to go with the plan because the amount of convenience it requires, I, being a total nut case will definitely screw it. Besides Gini would figure it out in a second because nothing about me goes past her beautiful eyes.

Nope! I’m not doing this shit!


** I would like to apologise for any grammar mistakes beforehand. Please don’t hesitate to correct me when I do.**
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