"Javier?" She breathed out, when he didn't made a move.

Maybe that single word was enough for him to take one last plunge. Maybe he was waiting for her approval and took it as one. Maybe he was unsure. Whatever it was, the moment he heard her utter his name, the little patience he had snapped.

He had wanted to make their first kiss special. A sweet dinner with wine and flowers. He could have told her how he felt and then they would have kissed. That was what he had planned. But waiting for that perfect moment was too torturous for him. He had to stop everytime he saw her to rush to her, pull her in his arm and kiss her senseless but he waited.

He couldn't wait anymore. He couldn't wait when she was so close to him. Her soft body pressed against him and her being so responsive to him. He couldn't wait any longer to kiss the woman he loved.

So, he kissed her.

And, she kissed him back.

The kiss was not what they had expected. It was much much better. It was passionate and demanding. As if they had poured all those almost kisses they couldn't have in this one kiss.

Javier wrapped his one hand around her waist to pull her closer while his other hand grabbed her neck, controlling her head the way he wanted. He had somewhere is middle turned them around such that Elise was pressed between the cold elevator wall and his toned chest.

Elise wrapped her hands around his neck. Her one hand fisted in his hair while the other held into his shoulder tightly.

Their lips moved in sync with each other. Javier could taste the coconut balm on her lips and felt himself smiling. He could get used to this taste. Her lips were soft and tempting. Everything he had expected them to be and much better than his imagination.

He pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. Both grasping for air. Both out of breath.

"Riley." Elise suddenly said.

"What?" Javier asked confused.

"We were going to pick him." She reminded him.

Javier looked at the woman in front of him. Her hair was messy and lips swollen. Still she was a goddess in his eyes. And She had a talent of making him forget everything.

"The elevator hasn't started." Elise said with a frown. Her eyes shying away from him.

Javier leaned down and pecked on her lips once again before turning around and pressing the buttons. He acted like he hadn't just left her breathless with his small gesture.
He looked at him pressing the button in vain.

"Guess we are locked in for a while." He muttered.

"But how can the elevator just stop working." She questioned. "It had been working properly all day."

Javier had already called someone.

"Not the time Vin." Javier scolded but his lips twitched in a smile.

Elise had a feeling she heard her name from the other side.

"We are stuck in the elevator in between twelfth and thirteenth floor." He said.

"Yes we as in Elise and me."

"Can you just get this thing started. I had planned to surprise Ry. And I don't want to spoil my plans because my day is going marvelous so far." His eyes turned towards Elise for a moment and she blushed.

She could guess what he was talking about.

Javier hung up the call and turned towards her. He took two steps so that once again they were pressed together. His face held the most adorable grin which made him look cute and handsome at the same time.

"Shall we continue until Vince gets this thing started?" He asked.

"Javier!" Elise exclaimed blushing profusely.

"What? I want to kiss you again. And I will." He leaned down and pressed their lips together for the third time inside the elevator.

It had been half an hour since they had been stuck inside the elevator and Javier had called Vince to pick up Riley. They hadn't kissed after the third time, because of a friend of Javier who called to tell them that the elevator has a CCTV camera which was working properly and showing him things that his innocent eyes shouldn't see.

Innocent my foot, Javier thought but kept his thoughts to himself. Vince was as innocent as Javier himself was. And Javier was not innocent at all. He was opposite of innocent.

"Fucking great." Javier threw his hands in the air in frustration.

"What happened?" Elise asked looking up from her laptop in which she was sending some pending mails. They were both sitting on the floor side by side.

"My phone died."

"I told you to stop playing on it many times."

"You were jealous I was paying more attention to my phone than you."

Elise ignored him. It was like after the first kiss all reservation they had was washed away. He didn't shy away from acting like a boyfriend to her in the past half an hour.

"Can you put your laptop away. I am bored." He complained only to be ignored again. "I am your boss and I order you to shut it down."


"Okay I get it how you felt." He took the laptop from her lap and closed it.

"Hey!" Elise complained trying to get her laptop back only to have Javier push it further away.

"Real mature." She taunted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know." He replied with a victorious grin. "You could try to take it from me though."

"No thank you. Now that I know that those things really work, I don't want to get close to you." She said pointing at the camera. She had been very embarassed to know about them. She was scared that the employees would all know and she would be that PA who had seduced her boss. But she kept this thought locked away in her head. She didn't want Javier to know them.

"Give me your phone. Why are they talking so long?" He said.

"My phone died a while ago." She told him with a shrug. She had forgotten to charge her phone last night. It had been dead way before she entered the elevator.

Javier was saved from answering as the lift suddenly moved, this time sending her partially on his lap.

"At least I am enjoying some parts of it." He said with amusement.

"Thank god, it started working again." Elise ignored his comment and stood up with her bag. Javier followed her.

The elevator took its sweet time to get to its destination after the long wait and Elise wondered if what happened inside the elevator would be lost inside it or would they continue it outside. However this was the least of his worries at the moment, unknown to her.

The doors opened to show James and Vincent standing in front of it. James looked amused and happy but Vincent looked terrified. His clothes were creased and his hair messed up.

"Did you get Riley?" Javier asked as he walked out of the small space.

Vincent cast his eyes down guiltily.

"Where is Riley?" Javier asked looking around. Elise too looked around. Suddenly she felt ominous. It was like something bad was happening. She could feel the feeling crawl up her spine.

"Vince?" Elise questioned.

"He wasn't at school." He mumbled in reply making her heart constrict in her chest.

"What do you mean?" Javier asked his fist clenched and his voice angry. "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION VINCENT" Javier yelled.

"He wasn't at school. They said you picked him up. Your car came and Riley climbed inside and that was the last he was seen."

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