[ 008 ]

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[ 008 - Ok Emo ]
( Word Count - 1520 )
- Written on June 24th 2021 -
• Unedited Because Er •

I keep my head down as I make my way through the crowds of people, trying to get to the bus stop which takes me up town. I had just finished all of the classes I had for the day and just wanted to get off campus. I look over to see that there is a group of people standing around and instantly I pull my white cap down over my face. I have only been recognized a few places before, none that really mattered and the chances that these people who were around my age would know who I am wasn't that high but it wasn't that low either thanks to my following.

"Hey Kodee!"

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath as I see them start moving towards me and people passing by also give them and me looks of confusion. I bite my tongue and keep walking but the group of five people quickly catch up.

"You're MoonDemon right?" One of the girls asks and I look up at her. She gave me a bright smile and it was clear that she was older then me but not by much. I didn't know the exact target age of my content but I was sure it was for teenagers around Tommy's age or something. "Dee, yeah?" She asks and I assume that she is the leader of her friend group since she is doing all the talking, either that or the rest of her friends don't know how to talk to people just like myself.

"Yeah, maybe," I say and try to keep walking but they keep up with me. I silently groan because I have to walk another few blocks before I can get to the place where the bus to uptown is. "What's up?" I ask calmly when I realize that they will follow me all the way there unless I ask and talk to them.

"You are so much prettier in real life," One of the other girls tells me with a bright smile across her face and I look over to her. She seems more around my age but at the same time she must be older by a few months at least. "Not that you aren't pretty online, it's just, yeah." She rambled awkwardly and then gives me a hopeful smile that I attempt to return.

"Er," My eyes travel to the rest of the group who nod in agreement to what she was saying and I continue to walk with them right at my sides as we make our way down the busy street. "Thank you?" I say unsure and I already know that Boomer would one hundred percent tease me about this interaction if he were here but then I would stab him so we would be even I suppose.

"Can we get a picture?" One of the other girls ask and she is clearly the younger sister of one of the girls. My eyes move from each of the faces and it hits me that they had been literally waiting for me, outside of my school. I feel my jaw tense for a second but let out a small breath, pressing a smile to my lips so I can just get this over with.

"Yeah." I nod a little and they gather around to take a picture before I continue to walk in my set direction. I check my phone so they can't see it in case someone important had texted me and see that the bus won't be there for a bit still. I silently prayed that it would come somewhat early and that I was just going uptown rather then actually home in case they chose to follow me.

"Are you and Boomer dating?" The younger girl asks and instantly all of the other girls shoot her a look which tells her to shut up. I blink a little, trying to process the question and an amused grin shows on my face for a second at the dumb thought. Just because something goes trending on Twitter that doesn't mean you have to believe it.

"I thought it was Punz." Another one says and they all look at me. I try to focus on the name as I continue walking because I know that I have heard it but haven't really gotten to meet him yet. I know that Boomer is friends with him as well as that he was on the Dream SMP with Tommy and Tubbo.

"I haven't even," I start to say but push the thought out of my mind in order to keep myself from being rude to strangers in the middle of the street. "No, we aren't dating." I tell the group of girls who all exchange looks with each other as if I wasn't there, talking to them in person and it needed to be gossiped about between them all. "Just friends." I add just for safety measures.

"Told you." Another girl says with a grin and holds her hand out. I watch slightly amused as the other girls all cough up money from their pockets, wanting to both laugh and cringe at how they had betted on if I was dating someone who I had just started becoming friends with.

"Well, this is my ride." I tell them as the bus pulls up, a wave of relief washing over me as I go to step on and the girls don't follow after me. "Bye." I say with a small forced smile and they easily return it with genuine ones.

"Bye!" They say cheerfully as I get into the bus and make my way towards the back, playing on my phone as the bus starts to move.

"I actually hate it." I say thirty minutes later as I walk down the street next to the tall male who was my best friend. He looks down at me with an amused smile and I roll my eyes as Wilbur fixed his shirt. Always a man who cared about how he looked, dressing up rather then down and I get it, sort of.

"What?" He asks as if I hadn't been rambling on for the last however many minutes to him about my day. "School?" Wilbur asks and I nod as we continue to walk down the not so busy street, past different shops and glancing into one every so often to see what was in the windows.

"Yeah." I tell him with another nod and pull my cap down again as we walk past a car which was speeding down the street. "Literally a group of people came up to me today and ugh." I groan and pull the hair into a pony tail which looks decent at best as we continue to walk. "I seriously think that they were like waiting for me or something." I add and see a small look cross Will's face at that information because it was slightly creepy. "I don't even like what learning, I swear I know it all already." I add and he laughs a little at that.

"Because you're just so smart." Will says and I give him a quick glare.

"Uhm," I say dramatically as I move my phone from my back pocket into my hoodie's big pocket so I could grab it easier. "I'm a fucking genius, Wilbur Soot." I mock him and amused grins appear on both of our faces.

"Whatever you say." He hums and I roll my eyes. I look over to see a small coffee shop, suddenly wanting coffee when I see that it isn't filled with people like most shops on the street were.

"Can we get coffee?"

"I thought you hate coffee." Will says as we come to a stop across the street from the small not very busy shop. I look up at him and shrug a little.

"I'm starting to hate everything." I tell him with a laugh and he rolls his eyes a little.

"Ok emo." He laughs and I can't help but grin a little, watching as a couple disappears into the shop. I grin because it's open and look up and down the street to see if any cars were coming down or up it. "You're supposed to be an egirl." Will tells me and I glare at him jokingly because we have had this fake argument over a hundred times.

"Yeah," I tell him sarcastically and motion for him to follow after me as I start to cross the street. "Let me go put my cat headphones on real quick." I say with a sarcastically sweet smile and he laughs, starting to cross the street as well.

"God," He scoffs as his eyes stayed locked on me and I can't help but grin. "I can't even imagine that." Will admits and I roll my eyes, pushing open the door of the small shop.

"Good." I say and we both make our way to the front counter to see the menu before we place our combined order to go.

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