[ 015 ]

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[ 015 - Damn Shawty ]
( Word Count - 1048 )
- Written on July 28th 2021 -
• Unedited Because I Don't Know •

"Dude," I laugh a little, taking another sip of my Monster as I look over some of the recent streams that I had done, trying my best to put a video together by doing so. I had been doing a very good job at dragging my feet on getting a new one out but if I kept pushing it off them I would have an upload schedule that would look like Technoblade's. And if that happened, the teasing from my friends and my fans would never end mainly because I have been talking about fixing my schedule for such a long time already. "You suck at gaming." I tell him with a small laugh as I manage to stumble on a clip of Boomer bragging about how good he is and then falling off the island immediately after. He had claimed afterwards that it was part of the bit but I think the shouting spoke for itself.

"Says the girl who can't even speed bridge properly." Boomer scoffs a little and a smile spreads across my face. I glance over at my phone to see how long we have been talking to each other only to get a smile from him. I had done a stream while he was off doing whatever then he streamed before we both got on a call and started doing our own things.

"I'm going to stab you." I tell him as I think about my bed wars abilities. I was much better at fighting other players and defending the bed then bridging quickly. I could go decently fast but I was more likely to fall then any of the other people I played with. Even Hannah teased me about it while she was cursed half the time as she tried to show off her abilities.

"Kinky." He grins and I roll my eyes even though it's hard to see it through the shadows of my bedroom. The only light in the room at the moment was the flashing colors which came from my laptop where I was editing a video and every so often I would look over to see Boomer looking at me with a small smile across his face.

"Why are you like this?" I ask him with a scoff, pulling the blanket up around me and making a small face in his direction. I look back at my laptop and go back to searching through the different clips I had decided to save over time because they would fit into videos perfectly.

"Because I am." Boomer says proudly and I roll my eyes at his pride in bothering me. I press the space bar as a clip of literally just us going back and forwards with cringey pick up lines shows up and am suddenly hit with the title for my new video. I instantly go back to the clips which I had decided to use and start putting the rights ones in the proper order. "What time is it for you again?" He asks and I glance down at the time in the bottom right corner.

"Much too late." I mutter as I take another sip of my energy drink happily as it is the thing which is currently keeping me awake. My mind was too lazy to think right now yet I'm willing to stay awake to talk to him.

"It's like five, right?" Boomer asks me and I hum lightly to let him know that it was in fact close to five in the morning. I realize that I had in fact been up all night doing a lot of work and eventually just laying in my bed to talk to him about random things. "Go to sleep baby girl." He tells me with a small laugh and I roll my eyes at the nickname which he had given me before.

"Mmm, no." I hum a little with a small giggle as I face the phone where Boomer is looking back and forwards between me and whatever he was doing on his pc as I wrap myself up in the blanket happily. "What are you doing?" I ask as he makes a face at whatever he was staring at.

"Talking to Luke," Boomer tells me with a small scoff as he sits back in his chair, clearly telling the other blond boy something so he can turn his attention back to me and I feel my face brighten as he gives me a small grin. I hum lightly as I had been hanging out with Punz a lot now even though he didn't stream on the server yet he often joins the calls when I was messing around on it. "We should do a stream together soon." He adds as he looks at me and I raise my eyebrows at the suggestion.

"Again?" I ask with a little giggle at the way he was acting, ready to tease him and there is a grin across his face. "Damn shawty," I do a fake laugh with a grin, clearly sleep exhausted and I do the so iconic face. "So obsessed with me." I laugh and he rolls his eyes at how I was acting about him wanting to stream with me.

"Don't ever say shawty again," Boomer tells me with an amused little laugh at the end which makes me grin a little looking up at the dark ceiling above me.

"Hah, make me." I giggle but look over when the teasing isn't returned with a small look of confusion and he is staring at me. My face lights up pink even though he can't see it in the dark but I roll my eyes at his reaction. "Don't look at me like that." I tell him, calling him out and he scoffs a little but nonetheless I can hear him chuckle and a smile appears on his face.

"Go to sleep Kodee." Boomer laughs clearly done with my shit and I sigh, knowing that he will mess with me unless I go to sleep.

"Such fan behavior." I sigh and he laughs.

"Goodnight." He tells me and I smile happily.

"Night." I say with a smile and the call ends.

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