[ 021 ]

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[ 021 - Like Hogwarts ]
( Word Count - 1185 )
- Written on August 18th 2021 -
• Unedited Because I'm Waiting For Food •

"Where are we going?" I ask Boomer as we walk down the busy street with each other, my eyes scanning over the shops as we go fast them slowly. Boomer had decided to grab my hand as we were crossing one of the streets earlier and we hadn't let go of each other but neither of us had a problem with it. I know where we are right now but at the same time I don't know if he does. Boomer's eyes land on one of the doors down the street. "Lunch?" I ask him when I see where he is looking and a teasing smile appears on my face. "You're taking me to lunch," I giggle under my breath as I pick up my pace slightly, rushing towards the store that was going on.

"Look!" Boomer says with a small confused look across his face but I couldn't care. I was grinning happily and peeking into the stores as we passed by them to see all of the goods which were being sold. "I don't live in London." He says almost defensively and I stop to see what he was doing. There was a small look on his face and the space between us is almost imaginary. "What else can you do?" He asks me and I laugh a little because clearly he had been confused on what to do for a date and I absolutely loved the idea of going on a lunch date with him.

"Magic," I tease him as we stop walking in the middle of the pavement. It wasn't too busy but as I turned to look at him, a couple people had to swerve around us. Boomer makes a small face as I bite my lip and then rolls his eyes, a grin appearing on his face. "Y'know like Hogwarts." I add with a small giggle and he shakes his head lightly with a small scoff.

"You're a witch from Hogwarts?" Boomer asks, clearly trying to tease me but I would never let him do that. I'm simply too cool so I nod once with a grin across my face and watch him look around the street at the other people passing by us. "So is it all British people or,"

"No," I scoff at the question and roll my eyes because that's not how it works. I glare at him and the grin on his face grows. Everyone knows that not all of British people are wizards because there are also muggles that help wizards blend into the normal world. "Did you even read Harry Potter?" I question him and a small innocent smile breaks across his face.

"Yeah," Boomer says, unconvincingly so I glare at him. He gives me a small smile but we go back to walking and he holds my hand in his, his thumb tracing over my knuckles lightly until we reach the front doors of the store. He holds the door for me and I think about teasing him but decide to be nice and say thank you. We are quickly lead to a table in the back of the restaurant and sit down on the opposite sides of the small booth as we are handed our menus. "What do you like from here?" Boomer asks and I scan over the menu before frowning a little. I haven't ever really eaten here even though Will and I have tried to get food from every restaurant around us.

"You choose," I say, closing my menu and see him give me a suspicious look. I grin a little because I want to see what he chooses as an American from a very British restaurant. He flips to the next page of the book as we place our drinks and once the lady walks away he goes to flip the page again and I frown. "Don't you dare even look at the salads," I tell him and reach across the table to flip the page before he can even glance at the large array of salads that they have on the menu.

"What's wrong with," Boomer says with a teasing tone and I roll my eyes. I simply shake my head no and he laughs a little under his breath as the lady comes back with our drinks that we had ordered. I take a sip of my water and he continues to flip through the book. "Oh," My eyes light up when I see something on the menu that is upside down and he looks up at me with confusion. "I want those." I say looking at the menu and I look up to see Boomer roll his eyes at my childish grin.

"Those being?" Boomer says, turning his head slightly to see what I could be looking at. I meet his eyes and bite my lip a little, knowing that what teasing is about to follow as we both look at the menu. I reach across the table and point at the chips I wanted. "French fries?" He asks and I nod a little but squint a little at what he had called them.

"Chips," I nod and Boomer rolls his eyes. Ever since he had arrived in England we have been going back and forwards about what different things were called while watching movies or just talking about stupid things or talking on stream, telling random stories and all of that kind of stuff. "But yes." I nod a little and he opens his mouth to argue but doesn't argue as our waiter comes back to take our orders.

We sit together and talk while eating our food, messing around while trying to keep our voices down which isn't exactly easy since we are both known as loud mouth streamers. Still going out with Boomer for lunch is fun and it's easy not to put too much stress on the fact that it's a date because we have done stuff like this before, only that it was over call on Discord or FaceTime. I was still trying to process the fact that he had actually flown over to me, across the ocean just because I was bored. It was really sweet that he did it and amazing that we could hang out for the first time in real life.

"I'm paying," Boomer says as our waiter comes back to take our plates and I glare at him a little because I don't want him to pay for me. I have the money to pay and always feel bad when I make other people pay for my things but he gives me a look which makes me bite my tongue to keep myself quiet. "I'm taking you on a date, Dee, why the hell would you pay?" He asks with a small scoff me with a small scoff. I roll my eyes and look away from him, very aware of how pink my face had gotten and hear him chuckle under his breath as I stop talking.

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