[ 013 ]

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[ 013 - Little Gremlin ]
( Word Count - 1222 )
- Written on July 11th 2021 -
• Unedited Because I'm Playing Bedwars •

"Aren't you hot sweetheart?" My Mum says as she walks into the room and I sit cross legged on the sofa and looking at my phone where I had mindlessly been scrolling through Twitter, knowing that my main American friend was live and I didn't feel like bothering my other friends either. I look down at my outfit and shrug a little as I look at my hoodie with shorts. It wasn't like that bad, I wasn't overheating at all. I laugh a little under my breath and shake my head no.

"I'm fine Mum." I assure her and she frowns a little but takes a sip of the tea she had made a few minutes ago. She had offered me some but I had said no because there was already a energy drink in my bag. She was never really a fan of energy drinks but liked coffee and tea so it made almost no sense. Something about the drinks being too fizzy or strong, I don't quite remember what her reason exactly was. "What is taking Tommy so long?" I ask and my eyes travel down the hallway where my old room and Tommy's bedroom are.

"No idea." Our Mum tells me and I sigh before shifting in my chair. After twenty minutes of her asking me plenty of questions about my life since I now live outside of the house, including questions that involve my love life, I decide that Tommy is taking too long and I am getting even more bored of just sitting around and doing nothing at all.

"I think going to go bother him." I say after she asks me if I was looking for a relationship right now and she takes another sip of her tea. I think she is well aware of the fact that I'm not in a relationship or really looking for one. At this point if I magically Disney like fall in love then so be it but other then that, no. I'm focused on clout and streaming right now and don't want to have someone bothered by that.

"Ok, I love you." She tells me over the top of her tea cup and I give her a smile as I stand up.

"Love you too." I tell her happily and throw the backpack I had brought with me over my shoulder. I make my way down the hallway and look into my old bedroom which looks so much cleaner then it had been when I left. Then again Mum was always one for keeping the house clean. I close my bedroom door after a second and pat Walker on the head because he was keeping so close to me. I knock on the door once and hear him turn in his chair.

"Uh," I hear Tommy say and laugh a little under my breath. "Streaming." He shouts and I roll my eyes lightly because he has the schedule where he can stream everyday or once or twice a week. I try to stream everyday but there are days when you just have to take a small step back to not get overwhelmed.

"I am coming in anyways." I say and open the door, making a point to keep Walter out of the room and as I step in to see his face light up.

"Kodee!" Tommy grins and gets out of his seat as soon as I enter his room. He moves over to me and I wrap my arms around him in a hug as I see his chat going really fast on one of his monitors. It's rare for the two of us to hang out in streams together so when it happens people and Twitter freak out so fast.

"Hello little gremlin." I laugh a little and mess with his blond hair after standing on my toes because he is taller then me. Tommy, who is only four years younger then me, had been as tall as me then taller then me by the time he turned eleven. It was always something he got to tease me about but I would remind him that I was his ride to places around our town which would make him shut up rather quickly. "Are you doing lore?"

"No," Tommy shakes his head as we both make our way back over to his pc which is still running and I see that he is playing on the server which had helped him and so many others grow so much. "Why?" He asks and I drop my bag by the end of his desk so I don't forget where I had put it.

"Gimme, I'm high jacking your stream." I tell him and move to sit in the gaming chair. He makes a small face but then grabs a spare chair to sit next to me. I quickly start to run around on the server but my eyes stay locked on the smaller screen which Tommy's chat is talking to the two of us through. "What's up chat?" I ask and silently search for my mods before remember that these are not my normal constant viewers and I now have Tommy's mods making the chat behave.

"Why do they like you better then me?" My brother huffs from besides me and a small grin appears on my face as I enter my brother's in game house. I start searching through his house and remember back to when the house was just a dirt shake. Then Connor moved in and did some lovely renovations which created a better downstairs for his house.

"Because," I grin a little and take some of the building blocks from his chest, making sure to grab the extra cobblestone because everyone knows that it is the best block in the game. I also kind of like oak wood but I am a fan of cobblestone even more. "I am so much cooler then you," I nudge him and he tries to give me a dirty look but a smile appears on his face a few seconds later which makes me laugh.

"Sure," He nods dramatically and I roll my eyes at how he said it.

"Child." I tell him and he makes another face.

"Chat wants to know," Tommy says as he moves closer to the screen and I raise my eyebrows a little as I start to tower up with the cobblestone. I don't know what I am going to make but right now I am just going to build a tower over Ninja's house to show my pure dominance because I am better at video games then him. Or maybe not, I don't know I haven't played fortnite or cod in a good bit but I know I used to be good a while back. "How you feel about Mooner," He grins and I roll my eyes as I look over at him.

"I'm going to hit you over the head." I warn him and the rest of the chat with a small glare but am very aware of how my cheeks go slightly pink at the ship name people had come up with thanks to the collaborations that we have done and streams we have done together.

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