[ 006 ]

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[ 006 - Mooner ]
( Word Count - 1198 )
- Written on June 22nd 2021 -
• Unedited Because I Forgot To Laugh •


1 • Trending Globally
Popular YouTuber and Twitch streamer
MoonDemon is being shipped with other
streamer and content creator BoomerNA
after a recent stream where the two had
flirted with each other.

What. The. Fuck. Twitter.
01:29 AM • 2021-03-14 • Twitter for iPhone

responding to @/MoonDemon
Hey guys, I think she knows-
I didn't watch the full stream but like
aha #mooner is pretty poggers :>
I watched the whole stream and I
am literally working on fan art rn
You going to post it later?
Yeah when it's done lmao

responding to @/MoonDemon
You good?
How do you feel about #Mooner?
Keep in mind that you gave me
your address when you sent me
a Christmas gift Clay.


01:37 AM • 2021-03-14 • Twitter for iPhone

Responding to @BoomerNA
Two completely different reactions
Lmao Boomer and Moon are literally
the same person but Moon is just a
bit more toxic. Prove me wrong-

Replying to @/BoomerNA
They lied to you.
Can we start a count for how many
times that Dee has denied Boomer's
affection? Please and thank you.
Mhm sureee
I will kick you tmr.
I take it back.
Dw we all know you ship it too :)

Twitter DMs
@/BoomerNA -> @/MoonDemon

Hey homie! I just kind of
wanted to come and make
sure that you were alright
after the stream. :) I was
told that you froze up in
some of the bits so I'm
sorry if I made you like
uncomfortable or anything
like that! <3

Hey! Yeah no it's all fine
for real. Don't worry about
it, I just wasn't expecting
certain things because we
haven't played before and
yeah lmao. Thanks for
checking up with me tho!

No problem big dog!
Also sorry for the whole
Mooner trending thing if
you are uncomfortable
with the flirting and shit
then I will completely
stop and understand!
Chat are weird most of
time but I think most of
them would get it if we
said we didn't like it or
something if you want!

Lmao no I don't really
mind it. I mess with them
a lot though, it's just for
fun though and most of
them know that lol. I just
kind of let them do what
they want to do.
Plus come on. They could
have come up with a better
ship name then Mooner!

Anyways wyd

When he keeps the
convo going- so hot.
Jk lmao. I am getting
ready for bed so I can
go out tmr with Tommy.
Why? Hbu?

Nothing really. Just doing
a little bit of editing y'know.
I was going to ask if you
wanted to call over Discord
but you're going to sleep at
fucking 8 pm

Sir- I live across
the fucking ocean.

Oh shit
I forgot about that


Who hurt you?

No one I was born
this way baby bc I
am just built different.
Also, do you want to
just ft or some shit?

I'm up for it :D

Ok here
[ xxx] xxx-xxxx
- Read 2:07 AM

Real Life

I stretch slightly, putting my AirPods in as I lay down on my bed, feeling ready to pass out. In reality I had only planned for the stream to go on for a few hours five at the most but we had an almost eight hour stream which was honestly really fun but at the same more then exhausting. I pull the hood over my head as my phone starts to buzz as I always kept it on silent mode. I see that it is a number from the US and slide to answer the FaceTime call who I assumed was Boomer.

"Hello!" His voice greets me as soon as I swipe to answer the call. I manage to put my phone down on a spot where I could see it without having to actually hold it, my led lights turning a dark blue which sent shadows across my room. "Oh wow," Boomer said and I shot a tired smile towards the camera, rolling my eyes when I see the grin across his face. He was clearly still sat at his pc and didn't plan on sleeping any time soon. "You look exhausted." He informs me and I roll my eyes tiredly.

"So sweet." I comment with a yawn and pull the blanket around me even more as it was close to freezing in my flat at all times yet that was how I like it. I see Boomer give his phone a confused look and a smile grows across my face as he looks from me to his monitor where I assume he is editing a video.

"Yo," Boomer says and I yawn a little, covering my mouth with my hand as I do so and I meet his eyes a second later. There is an amused smile across his face which makes me scoff a little and look away. "Who the fuck are you?" He asks and I pull on the strings of the hoodie which I am wearing lazily. Usually I wouldn't go to bed this early but Tommy wanted me to pick him up early so I had to go to sleep early. As in before five in the morning. "Where is Dee?" He asks with a small teasing sort of tone in his voice and I shake my head although a smile grows across my face. "Why are you so nice? Are you Dee's look alike?"

"You are so funny Boomer." I look over at my phone with a small cold look across my face which makes him break into laughter. I try to keep myself from smiling back as my eyes travel back to the ceiling, very aware of Boomer's eyes which are still locked on my form that must be hard to see through the dark lighting. "So funny that I forgot to laugh."

"But you smiled." He points out and I look back over to him. I roll my eyes when I see that he has an amused grin across his face and I rub my face, trying to hide the smile which is growing by the minute.

"Oh shut up." I mutter and then move a little closer to my phone as it was pretty far from where I was sitting and see Boomer's eyes adjust slightly to see me better in the darkness so I stick my tongue out at him. "What are you working on again?" I ask and he laughs a little before looking back to his screen, starting to tell me about the video which he was in the process of editing.

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