[ 041 ]

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[ 041 - Toast and Nutella ]
( Word Count - 1165 )
- Written on October 10th 2021 -
• Unedited Because I Kinda Died •

"Morning," I mumble tiredly as I roll over in the bed, excepting to face Boomer but frown a little when I see he isn't there. I sleep against the wall and I look over at his desk to see that he is sitting at his desk, running some bedwars. I roll my eyes and climb out of bed, pulling the shirt I had stolen from him down slightly. It was for some American band that I was unaware of but he had told me that I would be listening to some of their music sometime soon.

"Good morning," Boomer greets me, turning his head slightly to face me. I get out of bed and climb onto his lap where he wraps his one of his arms around my waist and I wrap my legs around him, resting my head in the nook of his neck like I have done so many times before when we weren't busy. "Streaming," He tells me quietly and I look up confused.

"Huh," I ask and see an amused grin cross nu Boomer's face so I turn to see his stream chat going absolutely insane. I grin a little at them as I cuddle closer into Boomer and the warmth that he was providing me. "Hello stream," I grin brightly as I see us cuddled up together on his second monitor. I stand up and move out of the camera, back to bed and make it quickly.

"That clip is going to go trending," Boomer says as he looks at his second monitor which is broadcasting his chat and what they were saying to him. I could see the emotes coming through from a distance and since I am blind as hell I can't really read the messages from across the room.

"Honestly," I giggle a little, stretching slightly as I finish setting up the bed and I sit down on it. I tilt my head slightly, rolling my shoulders before  standing up, deciding it's time that we should probably eat since it's nearing noon. "I'm going to make breakfast," I announce and stand up, wrapping my arms around Boomers neck and watching the chat bored. "What do you want?" I ask him because I am shit at deciding what we should eat for breakfast but I still want to try and make something good for us in order to like not starve.

"Anything you make," Boomer says, his eyes not moving off of the screen which is in front of him that is showing his gameplay. So far he is doing pretty food, getting a good amount of kills for the singles game and how he is playing right now. I roll my eyes and stand up again as I pull on the shirt again because it's much too oversized on me.

"Alright," I giggle a little as I lean on the door, running a hand through my hair with a grin across my face as I stand just barely in camera view. "Toast and Nutella it is." I decide because he didn't tell me what he wanted to eat. I see a grin appear on his face because it's definitely not the first or the last time that we are having something so simply for breakfast during my time in the United States.

"Chat," Boomer says, turning his attention back to the people who are actively watching the stream where we are interacting. I mean, I'm staying with him so I've been in a shit ton of his streams and he's been in nearly all mine. We mainly joke around during the streams but there are the small moments of flirting or just yelling at each other with empty insults being thrown around which we both laugh at. "Dee doesn't know how to cook." He exposes me and a look of betrayal crosses my face which only makes him laugh a little more.

"Yes I do asshole!" I yell at him and think about throwing a pillow at him but he is right by his set up. I know from watching other people's streams, Tommy and Tubbo, that if you mess with a pc too much then it will crash your stream and fuck it all up for who knows how long which ruins streaming for a bit.

"Fine," Boomer grins brightly, glancing from me to his stream and then back to me. I see even from here that his chat is going insane as they see the two of us interacting. "Do a cooking stream." He challenges and I roll my eyes at him because everyone in my community wants me to do something like that but I'm not ready to get teased for my lack of skills.

"I will," I shoot back, glaring at him and I see his chat speed up. Im not going to back down even if I'm going to embarrass the fuck out of myself. I'll find something I will be able to cook on stream and be awesome at cooking.

"Do it then," Boomer grins more then cheekily at how I am taking up the challenge. I roll my eyes at how he was encouraging both mine and his community to try and get them to beg some more for a cooking stream.

"I will," I tell him and make my way across the room so I'm leaning over Boomer's shoulder and chat can see me clearly. "Boomer's chat," I say, pulling the mic closer to me so my voice is louder. "Check in at two eastern time to see me be an amazing chef." I tell them all after checking the time because I'll surely be able to go to the store, find a recipe and get everything I need within the next two hours so I'll succeed at cooking.

"You're going to set my kitchen on fire." I see Boomer pout as I put the mic back where it was and shoot him another glare as I start to leave the room, grabbing one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants from my bag out of the camera's view.

"Am not," I argue as I pull my shirt up over my head. Boomer looks over his eyes wide and I raise my eyebrows a as I tug on the sports bra I had been wearing underneath. He winks at me and I feel my face flush pink before I throw his hoodie over my head and leave the room.

"You love me," Boomer calls from the other room and I roll my eyes at his stupidity as I gather up everything I'll need for a shopping trip to get ready for this stream.

"Shut the fuck up BoomerNA." I shout back with a small laugh as I grab my phone, slowly making a list of what I need and I hear him laugh before going back to talking to his chat.

Cracked | BoomerNA ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें