[ 026 ]

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[ 026 - Frat Boy Personality ]
( Word Count - 1020 )
- Written on September 1st 2021 -
• Unedited Because This Is A Filler TBH •

I laugh a little as Tommy gets into the car with a slam of the car door. Grinning, I turn to face him and there is a small frown across his face as he messes with the camera in his hands. I know that he had come up with a video idea but this time Mum wasn't available to give him a ride so he was stuck with me. I mean he had invited me to do the video weeks in advance but Mum still said that I had to take him out. He turns to face me and we stare at each other for a second as we sit in the house's driveway in silence.

"It's the loudness for me." I grin and Tommy's head snaps in my direction to meet my eyes. I feel a mischievous smile break across my face that matches the one across Tommy's and we both know that he won't back down from the challenge. It was a thing that we have done for the longest time, pointing out something which was annoying, jokingly of course, and would go back and forwards for a few rounds. When the trend came around on Tik Tok we had sent them back and forwards on our private accounts which are now unused. Maybe I should make it public and then make it private again so limited people are on it.

"It's the frat boy personality for me." Tommy shoots back, taking on my challenge and I laugh. I know I have what is categorized as what most people would see as a frat boy type life with the jokes I make, being loud and my ability to down a white claw in a blink of an eye but I swear I'm a good girl. I swear. 

"It's the not watching anime for me." I say as I put the car into reverse so we can get on the move to our location which we had put into the gps earlier. Tommy scoffs because he knows that I don't watch a lot of anime but I watch some. My chat gets pissed if I ever say that I'm not a weeb and starts telling me that we should have a sub goal for watching an episode of one anime. I've been thinking about it recently.

"It's the indecisiveness for me." Tommy calls me out and my draw drops a little because he is right on that. I can't make my mind up on literally anything but neither can he so that's a Simons sibling problem. That's the annoying thing about streaming because ninety percent of the time I don't know if I want to play bed wars or just chatting or some new game that chat wants me to play and has recommended.

"It's the not driving for me." I say with the grin reappearing on my face because he gets me or Mum to drive him where he needs to be or he simply walks. He hasn't even gotten his permit yet but he doesn't want too even if he doesn't want to admit it.

"It's the boyfriend for me." He tells me with a smirk and I know he is talking about Boomer. Sure we went out and sure we might have kissed but we aren't dating. I'm not sure how I feel about that but we are an ocean apart and long distance sucks dick. I don't think I could do that if I'm being honest. I'm too clingy and need someone I can physically be with and I think Boomer feels the same way so no matter how we feel about each other I don't think there is going to be any way that we could date from this far apart from each other.

"It's the being a toddler for me." I tease him as I bring us back to the lighter topics from driving and dating. We both aren't really good at talking about serious things which is why we joke about a lot of things or just ignore serious problems until they solve themselves or we are forced to address them head on. Tommy picks up his phone with a roll of his eyes, knowing that he will never stop being called a child. He is the youngest of all of our friends so even when he turns eighteen he will still be a baby to the group of us.

"It's the being a boomer for me." Tommy says with a shrug and I roll my eyes because I'm not even a boomer. I'm a Gen Z just like him even though I might not seem like it. I'm honestly just too sexy and hot for my own good which makes me look older but I still act like I'm a sixteen year old who just learned that booze exists. "And being a simp for Boomer." He adds with a smirk across his face and I feel my cheeks turn pink as I go back to looking at the road. I struggle to find a response and he cheers, knowing that he has won in our little battle which makes me scoff.

"Harsh." I laugh with a roll of my eyes as we stop in front of a red light and I look both ways to see if there was anyone else around. I honestly hate this light because no one uses it to be honest but still, I don't want a ticket. "I raised you right." I smirk as the light turns green again and hit the gas so we pass the intersection. Tommy laughs a little and plugs his phone into the aux before turning the music up and loudly singing along to whatever songs that he was playing. I find myself singing to some of them and realize that this must be a playlist that Will made for Tommy to listen too but we roll down the windows and listen to it as we make the drive to the shore.

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