I followed Zehra. I didn't take the time to look at my surroundings, I was too busy thinking about Nate. The blood and bruises that coated his face was fresh in my mind, I wanted to know why they did that to him, I wanted them to be punished then I thought about Abby, Courtney and Nick and how their conditions could be much worse
"Is this her?" I heard a voice ask. I tore my gaze away from the ground and looked up. There was a young girl there. She was around my age, she had green eyes and fiery red hair like Zehra except she was light skinned
"Yes, your majesty" Zehra replied. I gulped taking a step forward
"Leave us" the Queen ordered, I watched as Zehra and the rest of the people in the room left. I wanted to leave but I needed to find my mother and get my friends freed
"You're a quiet one, aren't you?" she asked me as she sat on the ground, I hadn't expected her to be this kind
"Yeah, I guess" I replied as I sat down across from her. She didn't seem to think that I was a danger to her people
"Tell me. What is it that has brought you to my people?" she asked me
"My friends and I-we're not safe with our people anymore" I said, it felt strange to say that out loud. It felt worse to know that not even my own people could help us, to know that they wanted us dead was worse though
"Why is that?" she questioned. I suddenly felt like I couldn't say anymore
"I don't even know you're name and you're asking me about my personal life" I stated and she smiled
"I'm Alexia Von Epstein" she said and I nodded
"I'm Annabeth" I said
"A few of your friends told me that you wanted to speak with me" Alexia said. I knew she was talking about Nate. But it wasn't what she was making it sound like; she was making it sound like they had a nice conversation when I know that she tortured him until he told her what they were there for
"I wanted to propose a treaty between our people. My father-he's not exactly sane and I don't want my people to pay for his actions" I said, it was true, even though the part about my father being crazy was what I wanted to be false
"Of course. But our policy has it so the leader of your people are marked with the mark of the clans" Alexia said and I nodded
"About that, my people don't have a leader that isn't my father. That's why I need to find my mother" I said and she nodded and stood up, I did too
"Come with me" she said

Banished and 30 DaysWhere stories live. Discover now