Wake up only to sleep for eternity. That's what I wake up to every morning, just looking at the words above my bed, painted on the ceiling in black bold letters. It made me angry knowing that I'm going to wake up to those words until my death but it wasn't those words that were making me angry, it was the fact that all I could think about was the people in solitary waking up to phrases like Death is only a mindset. I wanted to be free, I'm only 19, I'm supposed to be executed when I turn twenty and my birthday is tomorrow. I'm not afraid of it. I knew it was coming for a long time but I'm worried of what will become of my father, he's alone but knowing him, he's probably doing everything he can to get me pardoned. On some level I wish I had more time to live, to find out what living means, maybe find an adventure like something out of a book and maybe I'd grow old with a great family. Thinking about the future I'm never going to have isn't going to help me accept my fate and I'd like to accept it, maybe then I wouldn't feel like it was just the end, maybe I'd feel like death was my new adventure. I sat up, deciding that I had enough of staring at that phrase. My cell was empty, I really had nothing to do, I couldn't look outside of a window because we were underground, I don't regret any of the decisions I made in my short life, I'm at peace with that but there are things I wish I made peace with, like Courtney for instance, she had been my best friend since before I could remember and I'm going to die and leave her alone. But then again, she's one of the greatest people that I've ever met, she'll find someone else to replace me. My dirty blonde hair was flowing through the fan that gave me oxygen, I wondered if I could escape if I dismantled it. I jumped in surprise when my cell door was opened and four guards walked in
"Hands up" the older one ordered. I should have known that it would be today. The Committee has no mercy when it comes to criminals
"Why?" I asked, I kept my tone strong, I didn't need to show my fear, it wouldn't do me any good at this point but they just looked at each other as if they had practiced many different times
"Hands up" he repeated, I stood up fast, I needed at leas until tomorrow, I didn't want to have my life end a day earlier than it was supposed to
"No, no, no, please, please just, please" I begged as they came towards me, I saw pity in they're eyes and I knew that they didn't want me to die. They grabbed my arms and handcuffed them together

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