I woke up in a room that was all white. There was no colour to it. I stood up; I had no shoes? Why would someone take my shoes? That's just weird. I walked toward the door, I saw a series of guards outside but then a few of them left and there was only six. I could take them. I'll bet they don't even know how to fight. I walked toward a metal stand and picked it up, throwing it through the small, circular window, I heard a loud beep and the door opened, I saw the guards and got into a fighting stance, I then proceeded to use Krav Maga mixed with Silat. I took each of them down within seconds, taking one of their guns
"That was easy" I said before taking off down the hall, I saw a woman by the elevator. I ran over to her and wrapped my legs around her neck until she passed out. Then taking her key card, going into the elevator, I pressed a button that L6, when the elevator opened with the gun raised, I walked around the corner and saw a bunch of people celebrating including Abby and Courtney and all of the other kids in Covert along with hundreds of others I didn't recognize.
"You! Drop the gun!" a voice yelled, everyone that wasn't from Covert panicked, understandably. I dropped the gun and raised my hands. They grabbed my arms and dragged me away to an office. I was expecting to see James Parker. I didn't know why. He was probably dead at this point if someone had killed him, I was forced to sit in the chair. I waited for maybe five minutes before a man walked in. In fact, it was an old man, probably in his seventies or eighties
"Annabeth Rockwell" he said with a smile standing in front of me. I just looked at him, no smile, just a neutral expression
"Well, I'm Chancellor Jorge Hawthorne" he introduced, I stayed silent, I didn't feel like talking to anyone at this point in time
"You were rescued. We have most of your people, there's a search party looking for the rest" Jorge said
"What about Nate and Nick?" I asked
"Mr Parker and Mr. Cooper are some of the missing members of your people" Jorge answered and I nodded
"So, they're dead?" I said
"No, they're alive. We just need to find them" Jorge said and I laughed dryly
"The only way you're gonna find them is if they want to be found. It took me two days to figure out they were following our trail. I know for sure that they're gonna see you before you see them" I said, today wasn't one of my greatest days, in fact I was angry and not in the mood to deal with this man, this man who had his soldiers kidnap me
"That maybe so. But the longer they're out there, the worse it's gonna be" Jorge said
"For them or you?" I asked, my eyes drilled holes into his soul, I could tell, it was just one of those things I had the ability to do when I was angry
"This wouldn't be a problem, if I could get out of here and look for them myself" I said and Jorge laughed lightly
"Where the hell am I anyways?" I asked, I had a right to know where I was located; it seemed fair of me to ask
"You're in Mount Evans" he replied. That had to be a mistake; I was in North Carolina, the last I checked
"Why am I in Colorado?" I demanded and he smirked
"The Nuclear Fallout drifted the grounds, the mountains were... changed" Jorge said, I hated his stupid cryptic technique to the point where I just wanted to clip his vocal chords like he was a dog
"How?" I asked
"The Rocky Mountains are gone. It's only Mount Evans and it seems to be connected to Mount Mitchell" Jorge said. Now, I had my escape route

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