I saw Zehra talking to a little kid, I stood in front of a building with my hood covering my face. The others were waiting outside of the village. It was raining, I was freezing but I had to get Zehra's attention. I saw as she stood up and saw me. Her blood red hair bouncing off her shoulders as she walked toward me
"What're you doing here?" Zehra asked
"We need to talk" I said and she sighed
"Not here" Zehra said and I nodded
"Outside after dark tomorrow" I said and she nodded
"Okay" she replied. I turned around and started to make my way out of the city. I shivered, I was cold and wet from the rain that was still pouring. I saw the truck and pounded my fist on the door three times, it opened and Nate grabbed my wrist pulling me inside
"Thanks" I said, I glanced around and noticed that everyone else was sleeping. Abby was curled up in Nick's side and Courtney was on the other side of the truck. Nate must've been waiting on me
"Is she coming?" Nate asked
"Yeah, tomorrow after dark" I replied, I realized that my hand was still in his hand, I felt the warmth
"You're freezing" he noted
"Yeah, but I'm fine" I said with a small smile
"Really? Cause it feels like you're gonna get hypothermia" Nate said jokingly, he was taller than me. I was short, I hated it when people looked down at me literally
"I can't tell whether you're serious or not" I stated. I also hated how I got so easily lost in his eyes and wondered what went on in his head
"I'm serious" Nate said with a nod
"Well, like I said, I'm fine" I assured him with a small smile
"How's the leg?" Nate asked me. What did he mean? Leg?
"I'm a little confused" I said
"I just remembered that I haven't asked you about your leg for a while" Nate said. Leg, right back when I got stabbed by a Savage. I hadn't really thought about it, the pain was gone which I hoped was a good thing
"It's good. I think it's completely healed" I said, I looked to Courtney
"She's okay, Princess" Nate said and I nodded as I walked toward her and sat down next to her, taking the bandage off of her wrist to check the wound, it was healing amazingly
"I know, I just, I worry about her" I said as put the bandage back on and moved away from her to keep distance and then leaned my head against the wall, Nate sat down next to me
"How'd you guys meet?" he asked me
"I was seven and I snuck out of school to go see the film strip of American presidents and I saw a shop owner shoving her out of the back door because she took one little piece of bread. She was starving, so I snuck her back into my room and brought her some food. My mom came home an hour later and saw her, I thought that I was gonna be in some serious trouble but instead, she told me that she was proud of me and that Courtney could stay with us" I said, smiling at the memory
"Your mom sounds amazing" Nate said
"She was. She really was" I said
"Like you" Nate said, I looked at him as he stared straight ahead, I wondered what he was thinking about. I leaned my head against his shoulder
"I'm sorry, Princess" he murmured, I wondered if he knew that I could hear him. What was he sorry for?
"For what?" I asked him in a whisper
"For being such a jackass" he replied
"You're not a jackass" I said, I wondered why he thought he was a jackass considering that he was one of the nicest people that I knew. I lifted my head and looked at him
"Why would say that you are?" I asked him
"I-you were" he stuttered, he was referring to what happened outside of the bunker
"That doesn't make you a jackass, Nate. I probably would've punched you in the face if you were" I said jokingly, causing him to chuckle
"I don't doubt it" Nate said as he looked at me too. Before I knew it the same thing happened again, only this time when it was over; I didn't feel awkward. I just laid my head back on his shoulder, my eyes became heavy with sleep, I tried to fight it but it was no use as they closed anyway

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