I had my bag slung over my shoulders as I waited in front of a light utility vehicle. We used them when we had to survey our perimeters. I had taken a lot of Ammo and weapons just in case, we needed to fight. I couldn't believe my father was just gonna stand by while innocent people die, I just... I thought he was better than that, my mom always said that he was brave. A brave man doesn't abandon his people. I guess it was the one thing she got wrong, I looked up when I saw the others but not Courtney, Abby stopped in front of me
"I looked everywhere, she's gone" Abby said and I sighed. I had to make sure that Courtney was safe before I did anything
"The entire camp?" I questioned and she nodded
"I'm gonna stay here and look for her. You guys get that alliance" Abby said, I hugged her. I knew it would either be the last time I saw her or the last time she would see me
"Stay safe" I said
"I will. Don't worry" she replied
"If you're in any danger just leave camp. Don't look back" I said
"I will" she replied as I let go of her and Nick hugged her next, saying goodbye wasn't easy especially if it was likely that it would end in death and I was almost one hundred percent sure that someone was going to die and to be honest I wanted that person to be me. No one dies for me, not anymore
"You ready?" Nate asked me and I looked up
"Yeah. I'm ready" I said as I climbed into the back of the vehicle, Nate behind me closing the door. Nick got in the driver's seat and we started to leave
"What do you think happened to Courtney?" Nate asked and I shrugged
"Anything could've happened. But I'm almost certain that my father had something to do with it" I said, Nate gave me a strange look like he couldn't believe that I would say something like that about my father
"What makes you say that?" Nate asked
"60 of our people are trapped inside a mountain while the rest of us are in danger of being wiped off the face of the earth and my father doesn't want me to fix the problem, something isn't right" I said and Nate nodded
"We'll figure it out" he said reassuringly as we stopped, I got down on the floor and hid behind the seat closest to the driver's door
"What're you doing, Cooper?" It was the Commanding Officer, he was a big man, not muscular just hefty. He had a bald head, so bald that if you shined a light on it, it would probably blind you. I took it upon myself to call him pig face, mostly because he was a pig in every sense of the word.
"I'm checking the perimeter" Nick answered
"Is anyone else in there with you?" he asked. Nate looked to me then stood up and stood between each seat
"Just me" Nate said. Pig Face nodded
"Alright then. Get going" he said and we started moving again; I let out a breath of relief.
"You think Abby's gonna be okay?" Nick questioned as I got to my feet. The truth is, I didn't know if she was gonna be okay
"I hope so" I said

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