I've been limping through the forest for two days, I was always looking behind my shoulder to see if I was being followed but I never saw anyone. I'd been following Abby, Nate and Nick's trail of fire pits. But I had a feeling that the next time I would see them would be Mount Mitchell or I'd bleed out and they'd come across my dead body on the way back, I kept walking anyway; the sun had set, it was dark, I couldn't really see where I was going but I kept going, I could feel the sticky substance of blood on my hand from trying to stop the bleeding which failed occasion after occasion. My vision was blurry from blood loss though I knew I hadn't lost enough blood to kill me, my breaths got heavier and heavier with each step. I saw a light up ahead. It wasn't really a light, it looked to be a fire. I tried to walk faster but I fell over. Groaning as I pushed myself back up, I kept walking, gritting my teeth to keep me from crying out in pain. I turned around the corner and saw three people in front of the fire. One of them stood up, noticing me. I kept walking even when two of them grabbed their weapons. Guns. That's how I knew that Abby found the others
"Stay back" Nate said, I didn't stop, I thought he was gonna pull the trigger. I knew he was
"Wait! That's Annabeth" Abby said as I got closer, I saw the recognition in his eyes, he put the gun away, I got closer and stopped two feet away from them, my vision got blurrier
"What's wrong with her?" Nick asked, I saw Nate's eyes stop at my leg, seeing the blood pooling out from between my fingers
"She's bleeding" he said, my breathing became ragged and suddenly I fell over, the last thing I saw was Nate laying me on the ground

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