It felt like hours as I was being walked through the halls but in reality, it was probably only minutes. I was scared. Mostly because I had passed the execution chamber, I didn't know where I was headed but I knew that it was not going to be fun. They took me to the Minister's office, maybe I was getting an appeal or trial, maybe I was facing a fate worse than death. They took the handcuffs off my wrists when we stood in front of the door, I didn't know what to do, I was far from being free but yet I felt like I was so close to it. The guard on my right knocked on the door, I heard a faint come in before the guard opened the door and motioned for me to go inside, I did as I was told. It was almost like an antique shop when I walked inside, there was things from before the fallout and I wondered why anyone would want so much stuff.
I saw a man, more accurately the Minister sitting at his desk, writing on a piece of paper. Everyone called him Mr. Parker when they passed him in the hall, but my father was good friends with him and always called him by his first name, James. I had only met him once, it was at an assembly. Just four days before I got locked up, caged like an animal, he cared for our people, but he couldn't risk chaos
"Ms. Rockwell, have a seat" he said kindly, he had chocolate brown eyes and a bald head, he was also quite muscular but that was because he had been the captain of the guard for many years
"Am I dying a day early?" I asked as I sat down across from him
"No, you are not" James said, he didn't say it as if he was disappointed, he said it with a tone that said he pitied me
"Why am I here?" I asked, I didn't mean to be rude but I wanted to have my last day alive to myself
"I'd like to offer you a second chance" James said, I didn't know what think or feel, on one hand I wanted to be free but on the other hand there was a possibility that it was a trick
"What is it?" I asked out of curiosity and the tilt of my head
"Our resources-oxygen, food, water, it's all critically low. We have roughly one month until we have nothing left" James said. Fear instantly pricked my chest, if any of this was true then it meant certain death
"What do I have to do with this?" I asked out of pure fear, taking a large gulp
"Mount Mitchell is the only place that has all the resources we need" James said
"So?" I asked
"You were an A+ student in Terrain skills, along with combat training, weren't you?" James asked, I looked down at my fingers
"Yes, I was" I said almost in a whisper
"These skills would be useful on a journey to Mount Mitchell" James said, he was implying that I go to Mount Mitchell
"You're not serious?" I said, he never responded only averted his gaze away from me
"Sending anyone to Mount Mitchell is a death sentence; there are many dangers like poisonous plants, wild animals not to mention the savages" I defended
"If you agreed to this you would be pardoned" James said and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest
"At least if I stayed here, I would die tomorrow painlessly, if I went out there, my death would be painful and endless" I said and he sighed
"You're not the only one going; there are three others going with you" James said
"Then, it'll be worse for you" I said
"They're all trained in the same fields as you are, except for Ms. Summers, she has an advanced education in farming and engineering" James said in an attempt to get me to go. The longer I thought about it the more appealing it became
"I'll do it, but whoever is going will need some supplies like weapons, ammo, food and water, enough to last us at least three days" I said and he nodded
"Done" he agreed

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