I was still sitting on the rock, new tears streaming down my face. I was in rage, I couldn't stop the tears. I was raised by a monster that turned me into a monster. I knew in that moment that I was going to kill him for what he did and he would suffer for it too. I could feel the anger rising in the pit of my stomach but releasing it could be my greatest mistake
"You're not okay anymore, are you?" Nate asked as he sat down next to me. I decided that my form of torture against my father would be the same as what he did to me; drowning, scaphism, thousands of cuts and then decapitation
"It makes sense" I muttered and Nate sighed
"I don't know what you're going through whatsoever but I can say that it sucks and I know it can't be fixed, but maybe you can stop it from happening to anyone else" Nate said
"You're wrong" I said
"What?" Nate said
"That man-he tortured me when I was a little kid, he drowned me, he cut me with knives and he took me outside without a hazmat suit and allowed me to get tortured by animals, cut off my oxygen more times than I can count causing memory loss and then staged an attack on my mother, forcing me to kill the Minister who was actually trying to save my mother who is alive; I deserve to kill him" I said
"You can't kill him, Princess. At least not today, we can make an example out of him after we save our people" Nate said; I thought about everyone watching the torture and it excited me
"Fine" I agreed begrudgingly
"Scaphism? Isn't that-" Nate started but I cut him off
"Yes, it is" I said
"No offence but you're dad is a real asshat" Nate said and I laughed genuinely for the first time in what felt like forever
"No kidding" I said. I wanted to find my mom, desperately; I remembered almost everything about her and I knew that she could help us, that she could help me
"Look at that; I made the Princess laugh" Nate said, nudging my arm with his elbow. It only occurred to me now that if I did find my mom, that would mean we would have somewhere to go, somewhere that we could hide
"I know what we need to do" I said standing up quickly
"What is it?" Nate asked
"We have to find my mom. If we find her, not only can we hide but we could fight back" I said, I saw a look of confusion flash across his face
"What do you mean, Princess?" Nate asked
"My mom would never abandon me, she was coming back and I'll bet that she was making her own army to exact her revenge" I said
"We were talking alliance less than two days ago, now we're talking about finding a woman who was presumed dead for three years and the possibility of an army" Nate said and I smirked
"The possibility of two armies, Nate" I said, I knew that it was very unlikely that it would work out
"How are we gonna make this happen?" Nate asked
"Easy. Get an alliance first" I said as I started to go back, I heard Nate huff
"Easy? Sure" I heard him say as he followed me

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