I waited for the airlock to release me for what felt like hours. The wait made the aching in my chest unbearable. I just wanted to get back as soon as possible, so I could be with my Dad again; that was all I wanted; the door finally opened; I almost ran out but I held myself back and walked out. Then I got tackled to the ground by what, I didn't know, by quickly I grabbed the knife that was attached to my belt and held it to the person's throat with speed and they let out a shriek, a very feminine shriek.
I looked up and saw that it was a girl with brown eyes and brown hair in pigtails, her face showed an intense amount of fear
"Get off of me" I said calmly and she slowly got to her feet, I did too but I put the knife as I was getting up
"What the hell did you think you were doing?" I asked her as I brushed myself off
"I'm sorry; I thought it was a trick, I didn't know" she apologized and I sighed, sometimes I really wondered about these people-my people
"It's fine. I'm Annabeth" I said as I held my hand out towards her. Her eyes darted between my hand and my face but she reluctantly shook my hand
"I'm Abby" she said
"Summers? You're the girl with the advanced education in engineering and farming, right?" I inquired, it had to be her, she seemed like a smart girl
"Yeah, that's me. Advanced in everything but athletics" she joked and I gave her a small smile
"You know where we're going, right?" I said and she nodded
"Yeah, the Blue Ridge Mountains" she replied
"Then you know that it's a death sentence" I said
"But they pardoned us?" Abby said, she was confused, naturally
"there's a large possibility that we die out here, if we don't then we're gonna have some serious issues and they figure, what's better than to let the delinquents to live with the aftermath" I said, anyone could tell that I hated our government, how they handled society and our problems. How they killed innocent people, how they killed parents for saving their children and then sentenced the children to their deaths, they were monsters and if I had it my way, they would all rot in the holes they dug themselves in but my Dad and Courtney along with countless others were down there, I only had one choice today but one day... one day.
"We gotta get going" I said as I gazed up to the sky, we only had a couple hours before the sun went down and then we'd be be walking blindly
"If the sun goes down while we're still here, we'll be sitting ducks" I said then started for the tree line but stopped once I realized that Abby was still looking back at the door, almost like she was frozen in place
"Are we on our own?" she asked
"There were supposed to be two others, but they'll find their way. We don't have enough time to wait for them" I assured, though there was the largest possibility that they wouldn't make it
"Okay" she said before taking one last look and catching up with me

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