Four days. Four goddamn days and we found nothing, we've searched every Savage camp for at least fifty miles and yet, nothing, there was no sign of any of them even Nick who was optimistic every second of every day realized that there was no hope. I was starting to believe that everything that anyone has ever said to me was right; why would you have hope when there was never any good reason to have it. I was stupid, really stupid; I actually slightly believed the bullshit that Louise preached to me until yesterday. At this point, I knew she was gone; they probably already killed her, it was time to stop the whole search mission and go back. Then convince Maryanne to tell Jake that Nick and I got a cold or something, that is if Nick ever gives up and accepts reality.

"Come on, let's go" I said, I was disappointed but there was nothing that could be done; they were gone and what's gone stays gone. Never to return, just... gone

"No, I have to find her" Nick said stubbornly and I sighed, he wanted her buried properly; it was understandable but it was unlikely that we would find her body, any of their bodies

"Nick. Come on" I said stopped as he continued to look around, I felt bad for the guy if I was being honest, he is the happiest man on the planet and love broke him, what does that say? I think it says that love is complete bullshit

"If this was Annabeth, you would be doing the same thing" Nick said as he stood on a rock looking over the surroundings

"It is Annabeth, Nick. I've accepted that she's gone. You gotta do the same" I said, I saw something in his eyes but he never acknowledged what I saying, at least I think so

"I just want her buried properly at least; I owe it to her" Nick said, I hated when people blamed themselves for things they couldn't possibly have done or been responsible for

"We have three days to get back to camp before we starve to death" I stated and he sighed

"We're not going to do them much good if we're dead" I stated, I saw the look conflict in his eyes. He knew I was right

"Alright; let's go then" Nick agreed

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