Explanation - Chapter Fifty-Six

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I sighed, shaking my head and holding the crook of my nose as we explained to Coach why we were all cracked out the past week.

"--then Stiles said that Scott and Kira were stuck in Mexico which is why they missed the game." I nodded.

Stiles cleared his throat, "Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's when we missed all practice. 'Cause... we were all in Mexico."

Coach eyed us all suspiciously, and that's when Annie cleared her throat from the side of the room, making us all turn to her. "I can justify, Coach." she smiled.

Coach huffed, looking back at Scott. "So you took Kira on a date to Mexico?" he asked, dumbfounded.

Scott shrugged, "It was our first real date..."

Coach's stare never faltered, "In Mexico?"

Stiles shrugged, "They wanted to do something special."

Coach slowly turned around to Annie, "Do you seriously believe all this?"

Annie nodded, "Yeah, actually, I do."

"Okay," Coach sighed, "I believe you."

I raised my eyebrows, "Really?"

"Absolutely not." Coach rolled his eyes. "I've had experiences across the border that would know the genitals right off you boys." Coach paused, "Still, let me be clear to you... This kid is the best talent I've seen in years." he poked my chest with his finger, "So he's your guy's responsibility now. You guys are gonna stick together. You guys are gonna have each other's backs... Got it?"

I looked around the room. I looked at Stiles, and Annie, and Scott, and I smiled, turning back to Coach. "We got it."

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