Paralyzed - Chapter Forty-One

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I watched as gunfire shot down yet another one of Satomi's pack. I was hit once, but I pulled the bullet out with my bare hands, and I KO'ed the man faster than I could contemplate what I was doing. Scott said no killing, so I'm trying to follow his command... but it's getting pretty hard to fight a sword with a stick.

I watched as my dad ran, picking up one of the men's rifles, and firing it out at them. His face grew harsh, and I realized he wasn't fighting for his survival, he was fighting for our's. He was fighting for me, for Brett, for Liam, for Scott... for Allison.

I armed yet another arrow, and quickly turned the corner, shooting one of the men in the back, making them fall to the ground. My guess would be I hit a nerve, paralyzing him temporarily.

Derek slid to my feet, ceasing his fire as he was hidden behind a grimy tarp. I ran my fingers over the butt of my arrow, leaving the bow hanging in my arms by my waist.

Derek stood up panting, and reloaded his ammo. A shot was fired, and I quickly reached out and caught a bullet just as it about hit Derek dead in the face. I threw to the ground and aimed my arrow in the direction of four men cascading our way, firing at them.

Derek shot several rounds, penetrating some of the men's protective gear. "How many are there?" he shouted to me as I shot another arrow.

I looked around the room, where Scott was fighting four men at once, where Liam was rushing at a man, where my father held his side like he was hurt... injured. "Too many!"

"Annie!" I heard Lori call my name, "Brett? Where are you?"

I rushed towards the sound, and gasped as I saw a red laser trailing up to Lori's forehead as she stood there in fear. Across the way, Brett looked up at me, and shook his head, knowing what I was about to do.

I rushed out, "ANNIE!" his scream couldn't penetrate my plan.

As I shot my arrow, three bullets found their way into my stomach, and I fell to the floor, gasping for air. Lori crouched down next to me, while I watched the man I shot slowly crawl away.

"Annie, what the hell are you thinking?" Brett quickly rushed to my aid.

I gasped, feeling my lungs pool with blood. "Oh, shit," Brett said, picking up one of the bullets. "Lilac wolfsbane."

Brett turned to Lori, who had tears streaming down her face. "Run! Go get Scott, now!"

Lori stood up and frantically rushed away, and Brett hovered his hands over my body, confused of what to do. "Flip--" I choked out, coughing. "Flip me on my front, keep me elevated."

Brett nodded, picking my body up easily in his arms, and flipping me over. "I need to stay--I need to--"

"Elevated," Brett nodded, "okay."

He picked me up, holding me in his arms, my my face pressed into his neck. "Come on, Annie, you'll be okay."

I shook my head, coughing, and getting a little blood on my lips. "Tell Liam and my father I love them."

Brett shook his head, picking me up in his arms so that my head was hanging down, and his arms supported my back and knees. "Annie! Open your eyes!"

I fluttered them open, and I realized that the gun fire had stopped. Then, I felt warm, really warm... and I just wanted to sleep.

"Annie! No, open your eyes!"

I cracked my eyes open an inch, just to see the world spinning around me. My body shook as Brett carried me to somewhere, and I felt myself getting weaker with each passing second.

Finally, I saw Liam up ahead, but there no sign of Scott. Liam rushed to Brett, "Get Scott!"

Liam yelled, taking me in his arms. He looked my body up and down, shaking his head. I smiled, "It's okay. You're here," I coughed, "that's all that matters."

"Annie, I--"

I shook my head, "Want to know why?"

Liam nodded, his fingers running through my hair. I smiled, "Because I love you."

And then blackness washed over me.

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