Everyone - Chapter Twenty-Two

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Scott and I followed my dad up to the old abandoned building near Spaulding. I held tightly to my new bow, preparing myself to whatever we are about to step into. My dad lifted up the brick four bricks to the right, and pulled out a key.

Scott creased his eyebrows, "You've been here before?"

My dad nodded, "I worked here. We used to own the building. It was apart of our... business."

My dad pushed the door open, and Scott stopped him before he walked completely in. "I've fought these things before," Scott shook his head. "They're strong. Really strong."

My dad raised his eyebrows at him, "So have I, that's why I brought this." My dad raised a giant rifle in the air. "And they are the only reason you're here." he eyed me.

Scott shook his head, "What does that mean?"

My dad huffed, "If you think you have experience... you don't know anything until you've talked to Annie about Berserkers."

"You've fought against Berserkers before?" Scott raised his eyebrows at me.

I closed my eyes, and my dad continued to brag. "She didn't just fight one... she killed one."

A roar from the inside shook us all to look in that direction. I sighed, "And I'm guessing that's our cue to move in."

We all three walked into the tarp covered room. Clear wrapping hung from the ceiling, the place was cluttered, and dust and plaster was everywhere. It was difficult to see anything in the lighting, but it was very clear when Kate stood in front of us with her claws pressed to Violet's neck.

"You shouldn't have come," she shook her head at us.

"Kate." I pleaded, "You don't have to do this."

"I didn't want this, Annie." Kate sighed, "I had big plans for you, for... Allison."

"Kate, I'm here for Violet." Scott said, "I need to talk to her."

Kate huffed, "I knew you'd find me, but... I was hoping we could do this later. I just needed a little more time."

"For what?" My dad called out rudely.

"To learn control." My dad cocked his handgun, I thought about the rifle he was hiding behind his leg. "Lower the gun, Chris... brother-old-pal. We all walk away. You don't have to get hurt."

"We need Violet," I said, arming an arrow and pulling back the deadweight of the string.

Kate sighed, "Put the weapons down, Annie."

"That's not happening, Aunt Kate." I shook my head, "Or should I even call you Aunt anymore?"

At that, I watched as her nails dug into Violet's neck. I fell to my knees, Violet's blood splattering on my face, as Kate disappeared in thin air. Scott ran forward, screaming something, but everything was in a complete blur.

"Scott..." I shook my head. "Scott, I'm so sorry."

"We're not going to find him," Scott panted.

"There's still time, guys." My dad rubbed the blood from my face. "There's still time."

I looked up at my dad, shaking my head. I opened my mouth to say something, but the ringing of my phone interrupted me. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered.


"Annie, hey, it's me. While Derek and I were out looking for Brett's pack... we came across something, or should I say someone... and he is dying to--"

"Annie?" his voice cut through the phone. "Annie, are you there? Hello? Please, just say something. I need to hear your voice."

I covered my mouth with my hand, my smile so big I could barely contain it. "Liam?"

Scott looked up at me, running over to the phone.

"Yeah, it's me. It's me."

* * *

I ran through the front doors of the hospital, and to the front counter. "Liam Dunbar's room?"


I nodded, running to the elevator and hitting the button for the third floor. I bounced on my toes as the seconds passed by.

Second floor.

Come on, a little more.

Third floor.

The doors opened, and I stared at my feet as I began to run out, but suddenly, hands were in my face and my body was colliding with someone else's. He pressed his lips to my lips, and I smiled, hugging him tightly around his neck.

I breathed heavily, resting my forehead on his, standing on my tippy-toes. "You're alive," I smiled.

Liam nodded, "I'm alive."

* * *

I sat on the arm of Scott's couch next to Stiles, my feet kicked up on Liam's knees. Deaton stood across the room next to my dad, who's face was all too serious for this "pack" meeting.

Scott shook his head, "I don't want to keep watching people die."

My dad sighed, "I'm not sure you have much choice about that."

Scott shrugged, "Maybe I do."

Deaton sighed, "That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott."

"I don't care." Scott shook his head, "No one else dies. Everyone on that list... everyone on that dead pool... It doesn't matter if they're Wendigos, or werewolves, or whatever." Scott paused, looking around the room, "We're going to save everyone."

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