Chapter 6: Here to Stay

Start from the beginning

Behind him, a bunch of angry looking shifted werewolves were growling at Elliot- and even Julian.

"Alpha Julian, it is always good to see you. Who must this be? I didn't know we ever took in any newcomers." 

Julian was staring at Daria, who was not looking at him at all, before he turned to the cute guy, as if remembering I was here. "Right. Freya, this is Liam. He's our second in command of the fighter's division of the pack. And this wonderful, amazing woman is-"

"Daria," Daria stepped forward, extending her hand out. Ignoring Julian. "I'm the Beta and head of the fighter division. It's good to meet you."

I shook her hand, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Freya."

"Freya," Daria mused. She casted a sidelong glance at Julian. "How long have you been here?"

"Only a day," Julian interjected. "I didn't get a chance to tell anyone in the divisions."

Daria gave me a bland smile, still not looking at Julian. "How about some tea, Julian? We clearly need to talk."

"Are you sure you don't need anything to eat?" Julian asked her. "Stay for a bit."

"No," Daria shook her head. Julian's smile didn't falter, but his interest went somewhere else. He waved over to someone.

"Callum! Why don't you join us!" he called.

I saw Liam visibly tense when he heard Callum's name. Sure enough, sneaking behind one of the dimly lit tents was Callum, who froze. He gave a quick scan of the people. Landing his stormy gaze on me, next to Liam and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

Callum didn't say anything and went away, disappearing into the night.

"Geez," Liam muttered. "He always thinks he's better than us."

"Right," I found myself agreeing. Liam now turned to me fully, giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Glad someone knows how arrogant he is," Liam said. "I think we'll get along just fine, Freya." He gave me a pearly smile and I returned the sentiment. I needed people to get along with. As of now, it was only Julian. Maybe Lorraine.  

Julian and Daria went into one of the tents, but Daria refused to get any tea.

I stood there awkwardly next to Liam, who sat down on one of the picnic benches.  He was looking closely at me, but smiled nevertheless. It was sort of odd. Like I was some kind of specimen. They definitely haven't seen "humans" around here. "I suppose this is all crazy for you, huh?"

Not really. "Definitely," I nodded. Sitting next to him as we waited for both Julian and Daria to finish talking privately. 

"You should visit the fighting division of the pack."

"Are you guys not here with the village?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "No way. We're about 10 miles away from here. We train near the mountainous region."

"Is that all you do? Train?" It wasn't out of the ordinary for packs to have a unit of warrior werewolves.

"Yup," Liam replied. "It's very intensive, so we don't usually get a chance to visit the mainland pack here."

"But here you are," I said carefully. Curious because I felt it that something wasn't right here.

Julian always seemed happy, and when he heard that the fighting division was here it stopped a little.

Daria left the tent she was in with Julian, and walked over to me. "Freya, I'm sure we'll see each other around. Be sure to visit our division," Daria told me. She dismissed herself. The werewolves who were shifted only followed Liam though, and Julian's eyes never strayed from Daria as they left.

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