Chapter 36 - The Dungeon

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I was dumbfounded.

"Liar say what?" I said fast.

"What?" Vinchenzo said.

"You are lying! There is no way! There is just no way!" I gasped, "Vran would never do that to me!"

"He would if Constanzo asked him to. You know, you weren't very sneak when you switched the key. Constanzo knew and sent a drunk Vranchesco after you. That is why you don't have the key and why your precious fiancee didn't bother to come to see you in the hospital." He explained.

"It was probably just some drunk driver! Vran loved me!"

"Vran crushed you!"

"Prove it!" I demanded, still not believing him one bit.

"He is sitting in my dungeon. We can pay him a visit if you'd like to see him. He will confess to you everything." Vinchenzo said.

"What did you do to him?"

"Starved him. I was going to have someone kill him, but I knew that this day would come. I didn't want you to find out like this..." He trailed off looking away from me.

"Vinchenzo," I whispered as tears fell down my face, "Look me in the eye and tell me that you're telling the truth. Please don't lie to me. My heart can't stand this."

Vinchenzo placed his hands on my hips and gently turned me towards him. His green eyes connected with mine, "Red, I swear to you, on my mother's grave, that Vranchesco Domano was the one who hit you with a Jeep Wrangler."

"No!" I screamed before I saw black spots everywhere then nothing.

I tried to move my hand but it was too heavy. I slowly opened my eyes but then shut them closed after I got hit by a bright stream of light.

"You are finally awake." Vinchenzo exhaled as I reopened my eyes to find him sitting on the chair staring at me.

"Where am I?" I croaked.

"You seem to be asking that a lot Red. You are in Dr Steven's lair." He said before he snickered.

"What happened?"

"I told you the truth about what happened to you and you passed on. I managed to catch you rather quickly so you did not hit the ground." He stated sounding proud of himself.

"Please don't tell me I have missed a few weeks of my life again," I whined as I sat up.

"Just a few hours. You don't need to worry though, the doc said you passed out because of stress."

"What you told me was stressful. I was going to marry that man."

"Did I not tell you to never trust a Domano?" Vinchenzo asked.

"You did. It is just that they are nice."

"You know Red, for someone who seems so smart you are really stupid. Their kindness is all an act."

"I am sure you are the professional of faking feelings and emotions." I spat out at him.

He sighed and shook his head, "I apologised for that mistake. You know I am not perfect but just as flawed as you are."

"I know. You just like to pretend that you are perfect."

"I do not." He said.

"You really do, Vinchenzo. It is a shame really."

"Is it now?" He asked.

I sat there watching him. I watched as he stared at the artwork hanging on the wall. I listened to the beeping sound that was coming from the room across the door.

"Will you take me to him?" I asked.

"To who?" He asked as he cleared his throat. I had a feeling he knew exactly who I was talking about.

"Vran. I want to see him." I admitted.

"I'll take you to him. We can go now if Steven clears you to leave?"

"I want to go now. I need to see him and ask him why? I genuinely thought he had feelings for me..." I trailed off looking away.

"No one will ever love you the way I love you, Arianna."

"I don't know." I said looking away, "My feelings are muddled up and I have no clue who to believe."

"I'll prove to you that you can trust me. All of us are standing behind you Red."


Vinchenzo left the room and went to go call Steven. The doctor walked in looked extremely tired.

"How are you feeling Ari?" He asked as he picked up the clipboard near the bed.

"I am okay."

"Any headaches? Are you still seeing spots?"

"I'm not."

Steven then had a hushed conversation with Vinchenzo in the corner of the room.

"I am still here you two." I called out to them.

"Be patient." Vinchenzo said.

"Okay!" I said still in disbelief about the whole Vranchesco story.

"Let's go Red. We will be on our way to see him." He said as he helped me get off the bed.

"Okay." I said as I tentatively grabbed his warm hand and jumped off the hospital bed.

"Careful Red." He whispered.

"I am being careful!" I protested.

"Okay good." He said as he opened the door for me.

We walked out into the corridor, our hands clutched tightly together, on our way to the waiting room.

I wanted to let go of his hand but I was scared the nerves would get to me. I was already afraid that Vinchenzo was telling the truth, a small part of me was hoping it was all a lie. Perhaps, they had identified him wrong.

"I'm nervous."

"Are you scared to know that I'm telling the truth?" He asked.

"Yes. I hope that you're wrong or misidentified him. My heart can't bear it."

"It pains me to see you hurt over another man." He said softly, "I didn't want to tell you but you deserved to know. You need to know who he really is." Vinchenzo said looking away.

"It's... yes... you're right. Thank you for telling me." I said at last, after moments of hesitation.

"You're welcome." He said as he placed his thumb on a touchpad near a thick metal door.

"In you go. We'll be with security at all times. He's quite vicious." Vinchenzo warned. I nodded.

"I don't think he'll hurt me." I explained.

"He is a rabid pack animal. You have been warned." Dantè said.

We walked forwad and behind bars lay a muscular figure sitting on a couch. The gleaming blue eyes pierced my soul as recognition flared in them.

"Vranchesco?" I gasped.

Hey Reddies

Well... so umm is Ari hallucinating or is this the confirmation you all have been waiting for?

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See you next update !

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