Chapter 37 - Truly Trapped

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The incredible shock I felt when I saw him sitting behind bars in a Vitali compound could compare to nothing. At first, I felt nothing. Almost as though I were numb and simply emotionless. However, the more I looked into his eyes the more the pain begun to sting.

I felt like everything was on replay. The huge feeling of betrayal wracked my system as I stared at him and let the true facts sink in. Vranchesco was really the man behind me spending months in the hospital... and here I was like a fool believing him to be better than Vinchenzo.

"I guess the rotten apple doesn't fall too far from the tree," Vinchenzo commented as he walked closer to the bars Vranchesco was contained in.

"I am sure your father would know." Vranchesco hissed back as he stood up.

"Oh, don't be too jealous that my father stripped yours of all his belongings and land. Us, Vitali's just have what humans would call intelligence... while you Domano's lack anything to do with it."

"Bastard!" Vranchesco yelled.

"Is that the best you got little man?" Vinchenzo said smirking.

I was a little confused as to why he was referring to Vranchesco as "little man" seeing as they were around the same height.

"There is a lady in the room." He said gesturing to me.

"You should have considered that before you drove over her. You hospitalised her for months!"

"I did not!" Vranchesco said but he was unconvincing.

"You suck at lying." Vinchenzo said shaking his head, "I thought your father would have taught you better. Guess not." He smirked.

"My father taught me how to fight and stand up for what I believe in!" Vranchesco argued back as he walked towards the bars. Two men stood behind Vinchenzo, alert and ready to attack if necessary. 

"Red, now that you have seen this blundering fool, can we please go back up?" Vinchenzo asked as he turned me.

"I want a minute to speak to her!" Vranchesco said as he looked me in the eye.

"Where are your manners? Did Constanzo not teach you those?" Vinchenzo said.

"It is fine." I said interrupting their conversation for the first time, "I want to... I would like to speak to him too, Vinchenzo." I said, almost hesitant.

Is this what I really wanted? What would I say to him? I thought to myself as my heart rate sped and my palms began to clam up.

"You have five minutes and then we leave. I don't want to give this fool too much attention." Vinchenzo said as he walked out the room but not without calling a loud command in Italian. I was almost certain that it was for the guards to guard me. I had heard him say that phrase before and that is how I knew.

"It is so funny seeing you here," I said trying to smile but my body did not want that to happen so it came out as more of a grimace.

"I did not have a choice! My father... he would have killed me and killed you too if I did not do it." He said, almost pleading.

"Why would he kill us?" I asked confused.

"He knew you spiked the drink and he knew that you stole the keys. Eliza woke him up and told him that you were in his room. That stupid key that dangles around his neck... he would protect that with his life and when he knew that you stole it... he was furious and blamed it on me for leaving you alone. He said that it was my fault for not watching you!" Vranchesco said.

"I replaced the key."

"Arianna, the least you could have done was replace the key with one that was similar looking. He has lived with that on his neck for over thirty years. If you were smart you would have realised that he knew what it looked like, groove for groove and scratch for scratch." He said sighing as he shook his head.

"How was I supposed to know?" I asked.

"I don't know!" He hissed, "Maybe use your logic and intelligence."

"My resources were heavily limited," I said.

"Maybe you should have not committed the crime."

"I got far away and would have gotten further had you not hit me with a car!" I yelled.

"Arianna... listen to me. If my father got his hands on you, he would have murdered you."

"He loved my mother. He would not want to hurt me." I said crossing my arms.

He laughed, "Are you hearing yourself now? Has Vitali driven you mad already? Arianna, I am his son. His flesh and blood and he has not even bothered to get me out of here. I have been here for months, rotting away, and not once did he think to call or send someone to come get me." He said shaking his head, "And you think he will spare you because of his love for Kara? Arianna, you are not Kara and Kara is irreplaceable in my father's heart... but unfortunately, you are." He said.

I gasped, "You are awful Vranchesco. All you do is think about yourself and no one else. While you have been sitting here doing nothing except sucking your bloody thumb, I have been fighting to live. I had a shoulder displacement, a fractured hand, a destroyed pelvis and all you can think about is how you have been stuck here. You can be grateful that he did not hurt you... that he did not hurt you as he did with other people that got brought in here!" I yelled, gasping for breath as I finished.

"I didn't think that I hurt you that bad..." He trailed off, almost looking remorseful for his actions.

"Well you did and it just upsets me to think that I once placed my trust in you."

"I saved you from your ex-boyfriend at the mall!" He pointed out.

"I would rather have him hurt me than you. At least I knew he had bad intentions but you... oh, you! I trusted you and placed my life in your hands. I thank you for one thing though." I said nodding my head.

"What is that?" He asked me.

Hey Reddies!

I hope you are all having an awesome day/night! I am super excited to present to you Chapter 37, and honestly, I can't believe this book is nearly over. I am estimating about 8 more chapters but don't lose hope as there could be more!

If you are interested, you can head over to YouTube and view my channel called: Perla Writes. I have uploaded a new video today and if you are a writer, I think you will find it beneficial.

Anyways, don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and make sure you leave your thoughts in my comment section. I will be responding to them all.

Love you all lots,


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