Chapter 11 - Easter Ball

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"He's really sweet. I like him a lot. I like him so much I am starting to think it's love." She smiled as she day dreamed.

"I am glad you guys are together Sienna. I'm glad to hear that you both confessed and are together." I told her truthfully.

"Thanks!" She beamed, "But how are you and Vitali? We all heard what happened. I wish I knew. I would have told you immediately." She said and I sighed.

"It hurt me a lot, Sienna. I can't find it in me to forgive him yet. I still obviously love him but all I can remember is the heart break it caused me."

"Listen Ari, sometimes you have to let go of what happened in the past and move forward. Vitali regretted it a lot and he was moody and angry. He went on a killing spree. When he says he is sorry he means it. That man does not apologise." She told me firmly.

"Why does everyone assume the fact that Vinchenzo went on a killing spree because of me would somehow make me feel better?"

"He's the leader of mafia, Ari! His trained to kill and torture. He knows no better. No one taught him. It's the way he shows he regret what he had done." She said with an empathetic tone.

"I guess I understand."

"You don't. He grow up without love, his father never came home to raise him and when he did he was busy molding him to be cold hearted and worse that he ever was.

"Where was his mother?"

"I think his father killed her once she bore hik enough heirs to the family. Don't take my word on it but that's what rumour says."

I sighed, "You shouldn't believe in rumours. I can't believe that a father can be so cruel."

"His father is a crazy psychopathic man." She whispered.

"You can say that again." I agreed.

"So, it is nearly Easter! And the mafia families always have a joint ball together. We must go dress shopping sometime." She suggested.

I nodded, "That is actually not a bad idea. I wonder who will go with me."

"Vitali obviously." She said in a 'duh' tone.

"Alright. I'm really excited lets go sometime soon!" I grinned.

"I'll see if Dantè can drive us out to the city sometime. I will make a plan." She winked.

"Want to plan a colour scheme?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, "How about we go with the colour gold!" She suggested.

"Black and gold?" I added meekly.

She nodded her head vigorously, "A black dress would look elegant! The gold would he perfect to-"

"Sienna!" I shouted as her body slumped to the ground on the opposite side of the bar.

"Someone call Steven immediately!" I yelled to the men as I hopped onto the counter with the help of a bar stool and slid off.

I keeled beside her body and turned her over so that she was lying on her stomach. I found a knife with a glass handle lodged towards the right side of her back near her rib cage.

"The plot." I whispered as Dantè ran to me.

I didn't even know where he had come from. I hadn't seen him walk into the cerulean room and I was here the moment it opened. I guess one of the men must have immediately alerted him.

"No one pull it out." I warned as men edged closer, their guns were up and ready to shoot.

"Who?" Dantè demanded.

"I have no idea." I said.

I heard Dantè swear in Italian. He grabbed his phone and dialed someone.

"Arianna, Vinchenzo tells you to go to him. He is in his office." Dantè told me and I nodded.

"Please keep me updated on her." I asked him.

"I will." He told me and I nodded my head solemnly.

I walked slowly to his office. My head was down and I was upset that I couldn't have protected her. Once again, I was left with the horrid feeling of feeling useless. I wish I could have helped her.

"Red?" He called as soon as I knocked once.

"Here." I said as I walked in with my head down.

"I summoned you here to let you know that I have received some news for you. Emilio will be available to get you down to the Domano base." He told me.

"When?" I asked.

"Within three weeks." He told me.

"Alright. Thank you so much for doing this." I told him.

Vinchenzo lit a cigar and sat back in his chair.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to say mention that you must listen to Emilio. He will help you and he is one of my most trusted men." He told me.

"I will." I told him.

"Now your appearance must change. Tommorrow either Tristiaan or myself will drive you to the city so we can alter you a bit. I can't have Iñigo knowing who you are because he will kill on you the spot." Vinchenzo said.

"I understand. I was thinking of dying my hair black." I told him.

"Black?" He questioned, "I love your red hair. It is so beautiful."

"It's also my downfall. Iñigo will remember me." I reminded him as he took a drag from his cigar.

"You're right. I'll miss my feisty red haired woman." He said with a sad smile.

I smiled, "I need go and check up on Sienna." I informed him.

"Sienna?" He asked and raised a brow.

I nodded my head, "Yeah. She got stabbed with a knife."

"I will come see her with you." He said as he tossed his half finished cigar into the trash can and grabbed his blazer and followed me out.

"Where do you think they took her?" I asked him.

"The medical room. We have advanced technology back there." He told me.

"Lead the way then." I said and he smirked before he grabbed my hand and we walked to the medical room in silence.

Hey Guys!

Ahhh, it hurts me so much to see Sienna hurt
:( but I guess some things just happen for a reason!

The picture above is of Dantè played by Francisco Lachowski! I feel like I see him a lot in Wattpad books but I just felt as though he seemed fitting as to how Dantè looks like !


When is your birthday?

Mine is today (27 Jan) !!! 👑🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

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