Chapter 43 - Gowns And Heels

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"Are you sure you're asking me out of your own free will?" I asked.

Vinchenzo rolled his eyes, "Yes. I am asking you out of my own free will."

"Fine. If that is what you really want."

"So do you agree?" He asked me hesitantly.

"Yes, Vinchenzo. I will be your girlfriend... under one condition though." I said.  

"What is that?" He asked.

"I am giving you a second chance. Don't waste it. I do not intend on giving you another one Vinchenzo... I can't let you break my heart more than once."

"What if I was framed, Red?"

"We will deal with that sort of thing if it happens. I think everyone in the base is scared of you so that will most likely not be a problem."

"You will be surprised." He said frowning as he looked away.

"I know," I stated.

"What? What do you mean you know?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.

"I know about the rat in our compound. I want to help find whoever it is." I said determinedly.

"Are you sure? It does get messy." He warned.

"I am sure. I worked for the FBI at a stage in my life. I am sure they fired me by now, but that is beside the point I was trying to make. I am trying to say that I have experience and FBI torture methods are brutal." I said.

"Well alright then. Trevor and I spoke. We know it isn't the inner circle members because the biggest plans are created there but the smaller ones and the detail are shared with all the members in the compound. Trevor thinks it is Nora because she tried killing Sienna." He explained.

"Didn't you kill Nora?" I asked him.

"No. She is in the dungeon rotting next to Vranchesco. I didn't have the heart to kill her." Vinchenzo said shaking his head.

"Why? She tried hurting Sienna!"

"I can't kill her. I didn't think she was capable of such treachery but no she must pay."

"What did she want?" I asked.

"Based on what Tristiaan told me... she wanted Dante and Sienna had him."

"So she thought that killing her only friend in this compound was a good way to get the guy? By hurting the woman he loves?" I asked.

"That is what you told Tristiaan," Vinchenzo said.

"I know. I thought I misheard!" I whined.

"Your hearing is perfect because she confessed to that."

"Does Sienna know?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"Sienna is the one that begged me to keep her alive. She offered me ten more years worth of service if I kept her alive."

"What?" I gasped.

"Sienna wanted her alive and I agreed to keep her alive. You have to remember that Sienna and Nora were best friends before you arrived. They have similar background stories, only Sienna is more compassionate and Nora... well she is apparently murderous."

"Please tell me you aren't going to free her!" I said absolutely mortified.

"It is very adorable that you care about Sienna. I don't intend on freeing her anytime soon but eventually, I will." He explained, "I will have her transported to Russia or something and send someone to keep an eye on her and report back to me."

"That is a good option. I am surprised you didn't kill her." I said leaning back in my chair.

"I am not as murderous as my reputation makes me out to be. Believe it or not, I hate killing innocent bystanders, I don't kill people for mistakes and I make sure no innocent victim is hurt whenever my men are carrying out tasks." He explained to me.

"I... I am actually surprised." I said with admiration.

"Why? That I have morals?"

"Most leaders don't... look at Stalias for example," I said as I thought of the worst mafia leader that I had had an encounter with.

I had met Gino Donfrio at a mafia ball the previous year and he seemed gentle, sweet and kind. Constanzo Domano appeared to be sweet and nice but was apparently the biggest two-faced human on the planet, however, he wasn't as bad as his son. Inigo Stalias was definitely the worst mob boss of them all, he placed Luciano and me in cages and forced us to be beaten up on a daily basis, he was definitely not on my good mafia leader list and certainly would not be joining it any time soon. I hated that man with a passion.

Vinchenzo frowned, "Do not compare me to that piece of crap! That man is worthless and I will kill him the minute I get a chance. I haven't forgotten what he did to you! Brutal Bastard!" He yelled as he slammed his fists against the dining table. 

"I didn't mean to," I said slightly scared, although his reaction did secretly please me.

He sighed, "Sorry that man infuriates me. I hate him with every single fibre of my being." He stated, shaking his head and cracking his knuckles simultaneously.

"As do I. We will get him... together." I said determinedly.

Vinchenzo and I then dined in peace. No horrid people or stories from the past were brought out as we enjoyed the Italian dinner and the dessert. When we were done, Vinchenzo paid the bill even though I insisted I pay for half.

"You look very beautiful tonight," Vinchenzo said with a grin.

"Thank you!" I answered as red flushed through my cheeks at the compliment.

"I hope you have the sweetest of dreams Red. Goodnight." He whispered as he placed a delicate kiss on my cheek.

"You too!" I called as he walked away into the passage, away from my room.

I touched my cheek and smiled as I replayed the small action over and over several times in my head. I gently removed all the pins from my red hair and placed them on my vanity. After a few tries, I managed to successfully unzip my dress and change into my pyjamas. 

Tired, I climbed into bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. The light shining from the room bothered me immensely and with a huge amount of effort I got up to close it, when I saw the slim figure of Francesca jump over the compound fencing and towards a waiting car.

Hey Reddies!

Here is an update that I just finished writing! Yes... it is another cliffhanger...

I absolutely can't believe that this book is almost done! 2 more chapters and it will be over... I am not going to do an epilogue because the story doesn't end here! Yes, I hope you're as excited as I am!! Once chapter 45 is published, I will have a cover reveal!

If you liked this chapter, please make sure you vote and comment! Let me know how you found it!

Until next time!



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