The strange test.

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 Chapter 24

The strange test.

The day continues, where Kalego, Dali and Annabel go back to their duties again, where this tour, while Kalego is busy with the class from the young Iruma, who has filled them with homework.

But before that, he had the gray pyramid returned by the latter.

Later, in the staff room, Dali begins with the troublesome questions.

Dali: "But then in the end with the bracelets how are you? And your suitor showed up?"

He asks with a curious face, and with his fingers under his chin.

Annabel who is uncomfortable, as she cannot tell the truth:

"Well those have become material... ."

"Ooo ooo interesting! So someone showed up? Did the name appear from above?"

Her: "Eeem ... but no ... only his gifts arrived ... ."

Dali: "Oooh ... are you sure? Maybe he's spying on you somewhere on your way to school."

"No, I haven't seen anyone and I really hope not... ."

She finally responds by gesturing and hoping she is done. Then Robin also arrives, hearing it all and he too begins:

"What are you talking about? Eh? Eh? Sounds interesting?"

Dali: "No instead, it's nothing and go back to work ehehe!"

But that nothing is left there staring at them and firing more questions while Annabel feels even more uncomfortable and Dali doesn't know how to send him away.

Then comes another bad news from a member of the student council, in the form of a written sheet.

Dali: "Ouch ouch, from bad to worse ... Kalego won't like this... ."

The priestess then receives a message from her superior who then reports:

"I'm sorry but I have to go, I have an important test ... if you can tell him too."

Dali: "Another one? Interesting and don't worry, we won't come to see this tour, since we have urgent problems to solve here. Go ahead."

So with his consent, she comes out of school and with a golden pyramid, given by Kerefet, and arrives at the designated place for proof of trust in their mission and belief.

Kalego, after the lesson, goes back to the teacher's room and when Dali makes him read the news:

"Twenty professors got sick? This is an insult!"

Dali: "They are those who were in that room, you can't blame them after what they saw, not everyone reacted well. But look at the good news too, ten of them are at work as usual including Professor March ! "

"But we are still reduced to the bone! Then with the arrival of the harvest festival what the heck do we do? Where do we find valid substitutes!"

Dali: "I was thinking, that the priestess had quite a cool head... ."

Kalego: "No, I already know where you want to go, no!"

Dali: "Oh come on, isn't adding her to the recovery team a bad idea and maybe other priestesses and priests too?"

Kalego: "What is mine to hear!"

"But the idea is not entirely to be discarded, right? After all we will need it only for the first night, where there will be more wounded and withdrawn and we will find a way to disguise them! In the end they will look similar to us!"

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