Chapter Sixty Five + Unedited

Start from the beginning

"Can I at least know why did you agree to this in the first place?", he asked when they stopped in the middle of a traffic as it was the rush hour.

Dad hesitated a moment, then gave a litte shrug, "We think this is for the best. I mean, we'll be living right in the heart of London"

It wasn't the answer Daniel was looking for; it wasn't even the right response to the right question, so he asked again, "Why? Why are we even moving there?", and Dad was silent for a moment.

The question wasn't necessary one. His first thought, strangely, was of Jungwon. That something might have happened to him today - that he shouldn't have let him go home, that he should have explain, like he'd meant to - and Daniel's chest flooded with fear once his bestfriend find out the truth.

Dad could feel sweat trickling down his back even if the ac was on. "Because", he said quietly to appease his son, "because I'm not sure we can stay here anymore"

When the dusk crept in through the window, dipping the car in shades of blue, Daniel contemplated about it. He didn't know whether his dad meant for financial reason or emotional ones, whether he'd given this a lot of thought or was just saying it out loud in agreement to his mom, and he wasn't sure about how he felt about it yet himself.

But even so, he understood despite his mind trying to reject the very idea.

"What do you think your sister would say about this?", Dad inquired, suddenly a lot more interested in what Daniel had to say.

Daniel's eyes flashed with pain at the memory of you still deep in a sleep, and shook his head, "This wouldn't be something that she would agree on", he said. "We have to ask her opinion. There's no life waiting for her there. If Jungwon ever finds out -", he paused, his voice cracking at this, then pushed on. "It will certainly hurt him and he had been in pain enough because of Noona. And we just can't...."

"... take her away", Dad had finished for him. He breathed out, then turned his head to meet his son's eyed. "I know", he said finally in a solemn tone, "but if we stay, it would kill your mom to not see her safe on her side, instead"

"Why not she should just stay here for the better choice?", Daniel asked, reeling a bit. He could feel that his voice had risen an octave and his eyes had gone wide, but he couldn't help it.

This weekend, he thought, astonished by the nearness of their leave.

Now, however, Dad was giving him a pleading look - whether for understanding or forgiveness, he didn't know, "Your mom never had a love for Seoul", he told him, bearing no ulterior motive, just being genuine, "England was her safe place, and she wish for you and your sister to feel the same once we were there"

"There's still no way in hell that I would agree to this", Daniel huffed out, and Dad frowned instantly.

Finally, when they reached the hospital after getting out of the traffic, a huge burst of cool air met him as he stepped outside the car and he closed the door, grimacing at the amount of nervousness that kicks in at the sight of Heeseung's car from a lane a few feet away from theirs.

He started walking towards the entrance, the sun out of sight and the dark blue light beginning to take over the orange. He passed many patients, nurses or doctors on their way to their own businesses. As he turned the corner, he saw a group he hadn't expected to see talking to each other before the door of your room.

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