Chapter 32: O Lieb, so Lang du Lieben Kannst (Or, the final movement)

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Asuka stared up at Kurama, her eyes wide and her heart full.

"I'll see you very soon, love," he said. The gems in his eyes glittered.

"Yes, very soon," she agreed.

He leaned over and gave her searing kiss before he moved toward the door of their apartment. He hesitated. The man Asuka loved turned, and gave her another long look before finally leaving.

When the door clicked shut Asuka grinned. She ran to the couch and flopped on it much like a small child would. Laughter bubbled up out of her throat as she draped her arm over her eyes.

Today is a very good day.

Asuka stood up and roamed around her apartment listless. All she wanted was to go put on her dress, but she promised her friends that she'd wait for them to arrive.

They should be here any moment now.

Right on cue, the door to the apartment buzzed. Asuka flew to it and pressed the button. "Yes?" she said eagerly.

"Asuka! We're here!" Boton shouted into the microphone. "Hurry up and buzz us in!"

"Hurry and get up here before I decide to put my dress on!"

A few minutes later there was banging on the door. "Asuka I swear...." Botan's muffled voice said.

Asuka laughed and opened it.

"Happy wedding day!" Her friends shouted at the same time.

Asuka grinned.

"We brought you coffee," Shizuru said, handing her a large cup.

"And breakfast!" Keiko said holding up a bag with pastries.

"You're the best. Come in!"

"Oh wow," Yukina said entering her apartment and looking around. "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you're here and that you finally get to see it," Asuka said giving Yukina a hug. "I love living here so much. Kurama may have gone a little overboard though."

"He tends to do that when it involves you, Asuka," Botan said with a laugh.

Asuka brushed her fingers over the ring he'd given her. She smiled tenderly. "It can be overwhelming sometimes. I'm still not used to being cared for like that."

Keiko put a hand on Asuka's shoulder, then folded her into a hug. "You deserve to be taken care of, Asuka."

"Speaking of which," Botan said, "let's hurry up and eat these pastries. They smelled so good when we picked them up this morning and I can't wait!"

The girls sat down at the table with drinks and breakfast. There was mirth all around as they gobbled up the sweet treats.

"Guess what, Asuka?" Botan said with a cat-like grin. "A certain someone came home last night, finally."

Asuka's eyes flew to Keiko. "Oh Keiko, I'm so happy to hear that."

Keiko smiled. "I guess I should thank you for getting married, Asuka. I don't know when he would've returned if you hadn't."

Asuka placed her hand on Keiko's. "He would've come back soon anyway, but I'm glad we forced him to come back a little earlier. I was confident he'd be here. Cutting it awfully close though. Typical Yusuke."

"What made you so sure he would?" Botan asked.

"His best friend is getting married. Yusuke isn't selfish enough to miss something this important. Plus, the girl he loves was waiting for him."

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