Chapter 16: Fermata (Or, to stop, pause, and hold)

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From the moment they stepped out of the train and into Mushiyori City, Asuka's ki buzzed with danger. The panicked hum seemed to coincide with the bugs, which floated everywhere. The combination made Asuka want to vomit.

"Well, this is certainly something," said Kurama in his nonchalant voice.

Asuka had woken up that morning with dread in her stomach and bags under her eyes.

She hadn't said much to Botan after they'd gotten up and dressed. Maybe her friend knew she needed space. Or maybe Botan was upset by Asuka's reaction to their conversation. Either way, she was too tired and stressed to find out.

The train ride was awful. Kurama sat across from Asuka and gave her concerned glances as they traveled down to the city. She knew he wanted to inquire what was wrong, but didn't. It was too crowded for a conversation.

For once, Asuka was glad he left her alone. She still felt raw, though logically, there was no reason to blame him for her pain. Speaking to him would only bring up unpleasant truths she needed to avoid.

Nothing else matters right now anyway, except finding the information we need.

"The epicenter has to be this way," Kurama said briefly closing his eyes.

Kaito, Asuka noticed, was always physically trying to get in front of Kurama and lead the group. Kurama didn't seem the least bit annoyed, which, Asuka was sure, irritated Kaito further.

If I'm here, then I need to contribute something. I need to push myself. I can do it. your ki, just a little. Don't use Foresight right now. Just start off with Insight.

Asuka unfolded her ki some and allowed the world around her to speak what it willed. She sensed pain. It was indistinguishable, but it was there. Humans were capable of infinite joys, but they were also capable of infinite malice. It was the circle, the way of things.

All around her, Asuka could see doors in her mind about every person in her vicinity. They contained their secrets, their hopes and their dreams. This included her friends. Kurama burned the brightest for her, as he always did. More than anyone, she longed to discover more of who he was.

She ignored it.

Territory gave off a different type of vibe than standard ki. She thought about how Kaito felt and looked for anything similar.


She felt the Territory, and the people trapped in it a few blocks away.

I have to do something.

Asuka stopped, which prompted Kurama to stop.

"Asuka?" he asked. "Is everything alright?"

"No." She gazed toward the direction of the Territory user. "There's a dire situation a few blocks from here. And... that's where I need to go."

Kurama stared for a moment. She could see the gears turning in his mind as he assessed the situation. "Alright," he said. "We'll split up. You and I will—"

Asuka shook her head. "You should go to the center, Kurama. You're the strongest, and that's where you're most needed."

Kurama didn't disagree, but Asuka could tell he didn't like the idea of them being separated. If she thought about it too much, her heart would start thinking and hoping for things it shouldn't.

We're just friends. It's natural to protect your friends.

"I'll go with her," Kuwabara said. "I don't have my powers, but I can still punch people. Don't worry, Kurama. I'll keep her safe."

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