Chapter 21: Liebestraum

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Kurama had never felt rawer than the moment after he finished dancing with Asuka. He poured out all of his emotions for her to see, and he knew she understood. It was the look in her eye when they finished.

He'd come to a point early in the week when he realized he wouldn't be able to simply go on as if nothing had changed. He needed to explain the feelings he had been wrestling with, and it wasn't enough to simply tell her. He needed to show her in a safe way. And that's when he asked Ena if she could add Dvorak's serenade just for his dance with Asuka.

He remembered the piece from an ensemble concert he attended last year, and thought it represented his emotions while also being a piece Ena and the other students knew. He was thankful Ena said yes and didn't ask any questions.

When he saw Asuka walk into the gym wearing that outfit, his heart had actually jumped. She looked so beautiful, and somehow, she looked more beautiful while they danced.

Why was she so wonderful? Why was her slender hand so soft? Why did she fit so perfectly within the frame of his body? Why did her lips look so delicious?

Why couldn't he just be normal with her?

Kurama sighed. He was thankful the whole spectacle of the Victorian Ball was over. It had been agonizing to dance with all the other students and keep his polite façade from cracking. All he wanted was for her to appear, and when she did, Kaito got to her first.

It was logical Kaito asked Asuka for a dance. They knew each other, and Kurama had been busy showing a different classmate how to waltz. But still. Seeing Asuka dance with Kaito flared his anger and made him insanely jealous. It was ridiculous, and more ridiculous still when the feeling didn't subside until her hand was clasped in his.

At least she knows what I'm like now.

If Asuka decided she didn't want to be friends anymore, he would respect that decision. The idea made his chest squeeze, but he felt firm against the battering of his heart. His feelings were his burden, not hers. He would find a way to live without her if she wanted space.

"Aww, you got rid of your fancy outfit," Yusuke said when Kurama met up with him and the others in front of the auditorium.

Kurama still wasn't in the mood for Yusuke's teasing. "Yes, well, the ball is over."

Yusuke laughed.

"Did you see Asuka before it was finished?" Keiko asked.

"Yes. She only stayed for two songs."

Kurama wished everyone would stop talking to him. He still felt vulnerable, and it was not an emotion he liked.

Regardless of his discomfort, Asuka needed to see. He didn't want to hide from her anymore, even if it meant losing her. She deserved to know the truth about what lurked inside him.

"Hello Shuichi," Ena said at the door. Kurama blinked, then remembered Ena was also the president of the classical music club. She certainly was busy today. Ena frowned when she saw Yusuke and Kuwabara and stepped closer. "Hey, uh, they're not going to ruin the concert, right?"

It wasn't surprising to hear Ena's concern.

"No, no, they're fine," Kurama assured her, then eyed his friends and asked, "You're not going to ruin Asuka's concert, are you?"

"We'd never!" Kuwabara said. "We're her friends!"

Ena looked even more confused. "Okay. Well, here's your program for the next set of students. We ask that you do not get up in the middle of a student playing."

Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)Where stories live. Discover now