Chapter 03: Consolation (Or, the act of offering comfort to someone)

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I thought I was safe.

Asuka tightened her hood as she ran through the thick underbrush of the jungle. She felt fatigue and strain hit her body.

Why does my hair have to be so noticeable? The markings, my eyes, anyone who sees me knows I don't belong here, and a disguise isn't an option right now.

She brushed away a fern and darted to the left.

I'm running out of time. No matter how far I look, no matter what I think of, it always ends up the same. Normally it wouldn't matter, but I can't get caught! Everything is at stake! If I only had a little more time...he'd be arriving and...!

Asuka heard a noise from behind and swiftly looked over her shoulder. They were close. Very close. She heard the charging of a weapon just before a shot rang out. A splintering, cracking sound came from a tree just past where she was running. Her assailants missed, but they wouldn't miss again.


A smooth and textured voice called her from somewhere. Who did that voice belong to?

I've got to get away, she thought desperately. The window to change fate is rapidly closing. There's only one option left open but....


There's no guarantee it'll work. I could be completely....


-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

Asuka shot awake and rolled off the floor futon, startled and panting. Two strong palms gripped her shoulders and the sensation caused her to cower.

"Asuka, it's me. You're safe, calm down."

A comforting ki entered her body, enveloped her mind, and made her think of a rose garden up on a hill. Her heartrate slowed, and she put down her hands.

A face lovelier then she remembered was looking at her.



He was on one knee, his left hand touching her bare skin due to Keiko's loose shirt slipping off her shoulder in the fray. Asuka allowed her gaze to wander as she studied him. Kurama's vivacious hair hung over his chest just a few inches from her body, and his deep green eyes were nearly too dazzling to look at. The tight fitting white Chinese gi accentuated his features and added to his allure.

Asuka blinked and looked at her surroundings. She was in the hotel suite still, but nobody except herself and Kurama were in the room.

"What are you doing here?" her voice croaked.

Kurama took his hands off her shoulders and sat back, reaching for the bottle of water on the table. When he gave it to her, Asuka took the water gratefully and swallowed a large gulp.

"I saw the girls this morning and inquired as to your whereabouts," he explained. "They informed me you were still sleeping because they didn't want to wake you. I believe there's a note on the table."

Asuka's eyes shifted to the coffee table and found a small white piece of paper with writing on it. Someone left it where she was sure to see it.

"But as I told you yesterday," Kurama continued, "I wanted to see how your wounds were faring and came to see if you were awake." He relaxed his posture slightly. "I could hear you yelling so I broke in and found you having a nightmare."

"You broke in?" Asuka leaned over to see the door completely unscathed.

"I'm a thief," he replied simply.

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