Chapter 06: Hohe Liebe (Or, the first movement)

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Standing in the middle of the forest alone, Kurama stared down at the bottle he'd been given. Only hours earlier had he believed there was no way back to his Yoko form. Now, the answer was sitting in the palm of his hand.


It may well be a tap, but what other choice did he have? If he were to fight Karasu tomorrow, which he was set on, this was his only option. He had to try it and hope he didn't die.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Kurama pulled a seed out of his hair and whispered to it. A green vine snaked out of its shell and wrapped around his body, blooming dark blue flowers with teeth in their centers. Kurama opened the bottle and put it near one of the flower's mouths. It had no reaction which ruled out most, but not all types of poisons. A favorable sign, at least. There was nothing left to do but swallow a mouthful. Kurama focused inward to gauge his body's reaction. Unlike the mist, he felt nothing.

Perhaps this version of the drug takes time to showcase the effect.

He kept a vigilant count of the time that passed. Around the seven-minute mark Kurama felt the Yoki at the very center of his being start to vibrate. The drug was calling forth his true form out of its encased shell, much the same way he whispered to the seeds of plants. Crackling energy began to swirl around him as that which was hidden became seen. It was if his human body melted away and up from his nine-tailed form came Yoko. The nails on his fingers got longer and soon after the mist cleared.

He inhaled deeply and exhaled, a laugh escaping his lips. His voice was deeper, his muscles sculpted and more refined, and he was taller. He growled as he stretched, feeling fiendish. Earlier, he didn't have time to revel in the glory of his power. But here, he could delight in being Yoko once again.

Kurama stared down at his pale hand and the crackling ki he was emitting. Yes, this form was vastly superior, and the fear which he'd held in Shuichi's body was swiftly replaced with confidence bordering on arrogance. Karasu had no chance so long as he was Yoko. He would kill Karasu for the insult to his person. And for intimidating Asuka.


Her name rolled around in his mind begging for consideration, but he ignored it, unwilling to turn his mind toward serious matters. Just being in this form again made him want to steal something. His tail swished. Such a glorious feeling! Such power! He grinned, and realized he was feeling...sexual.

To be expected. Even in the few moments his Yoko form was exposed to the crowd, he'd seen how some of the yokai gawked and lusted after him. Of course they did. After all, he was very beautiful. Another laugh escaped his throat.

Kurama took off running, both his speed and his grace greatly amplified from what they were. His human body was clunky and unrefined compared to this. As he ran, the forest responded to him, shivering from the Yoki he was allowing to permeate. Yes, he was a king of the forest and the infamous yokai thief.

He heard the sound of someone practicing for the tournament just up ahead. It was Kuwabara. Kurama grinned, and decided to sneak up on him, wondering how close he could get without being detected. He easily suppressed his ki and jumped up into the trees, watching Kuwabara in the clearing. He was trying to get the sword handle he'd been given under control and it was most amusing to watch.

When Kuwabara turned his back, Kurama leapt out of the trees and rolled, keeping the sounds he made to a noise level so soft, it was like that of a gentle breeze. As Kuwabara swung the sword, Kurama jumped up and stood right behind him. His friend didn't even notice.

Of course not.

Kurama blew on the back of his neck. By the time Kuwabara turned around, Kurama had already retreated to the tree line and watched his friend look around confused. Kuwabara shrugged then went back to practicing.

Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ