Chapter 20: A Serenade (Or, a performance delivered in honor of someone)

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"What is it Riko?" Asuka asked. The girl was practically trembling.

"Some thugs have come to ruin our café, Asuka!" She said with tears in her eyes. "I'm so scared."

Asuka furrowed her eyebrows and peaked outside the makeshift restaurant shack. At the low tables sat two thugs alright. One had slicked black hair, and the other donned an orange pompadour. They were laughing obnoxiously while a rather prim girl tried to make them stop. Asuka tightened her lips in an attempt not to laugh. Poor Riko.

"I'll handle them."

"What? No! You can't!"

But Asuka was already outside. She carried a tray with waters on it and approached the table. "Well, well, well, I see two lawless samurai have come into town. What'll it be?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara stared for a moment before another fit of laughter. "Sake!"

"And for you, princess?"

Keiko sighed. "Asuka, are you here to save me from these two?"

Asuka shook her head, her eyes full of mirth. "Sorry m' lady. I am but a humble geisha."

"You make a pretty geisha. Very well, I'll have whatever it is they're having."

"Any recommendations?" Yusuke asked.

"Our house Udon is quite good if I do say so myself."

"Three bowls, if you please," Yusuke said, and bowed.

Asuka nodded and went back into the shack. "Hey, Daichi. I need three ramune and three udon bowls."

Riko stood there with her mouth open. "You...know those creeps?"

"They're my friends."

She shook her head. "You are so weird Asuka."

That I am.

It was Saturday, and the second day of the school festival. Asuka hadn't seen much of Kurama the past few days due to their separate classes getting ready for the festival. The interactions they did have felt stiff. She didn't know if it was because there was so much unsaid between the two of them, or if she'd already crossed some unknown line.

Either way, this evening would change everything. Despite wishing otherwise, Asuka could no longer hide how she felt from Kurama. It seemed if there was any hope of their relationship progressing, she would need to risk her feelings. She could only hope everything didn't end in disaster.

There's no going back.

Setting up the Edo period café, which was based on a town inn, had been fun. Asuka enjoyed dressing in a traditional kimono and taking their patron's orders. There were so many people at the festival, and she was grateful that her friends made an appearance as well.

Asuka loaded up the udon bowls and ramune bottles onto her tray and ducked under the flap. She carefully set the bowls down in front of her friends. "Here you are. The house special."

Yusuke rubbed his hands together before breaking apart the chopsticks and digging in. "It's not bad," he said after a slurp.

That was the closest their cook would ever get to a compliment from Yusuke.

Asuka looked around. It seemed like there were plenty of classmates to help with other patrons, so she sat down at the table. "What were you two laughing at anyway?"

Kuwabara nearly choked on his noodles.

Keiko sighed again. "We just got back from seeing what Kurama's class is up to. It's...quite the production in there."

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