Chapter 11: Dolente (Or, played with plaintive emotion)

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A few days later, Asuka woke to the sound of her alarm going off. Today was her first day of school. Since she wouldn't be in Kurama's class, she would walk into a room full of strangers, and that would be different from meeting the girls who knew Yusuke. Keiko and Shizuru, along with Botan and Yukina, knew about the strange world she found herself thrust into, and welcomed her personality quirks. But now she was going to a junior high school, and that was a different subset of people all together. Teenagers could be mean. Would she find acceptance?

No matter what, I still have Kurama as my friend, and the others I met at the Dark Tournament. Yusuke would probably yell at me for caring about other people's opinions. I just have to be me, and hope that's enough.

Walking over to the fridge, Asuka pulled out what she needed to make her bento and organized her lunch. After that, she went to the bathroom and freshened up before putting on her uniform. The school's choice of colors were odd. She would be wearing pink, and it clashed with her eyes and the glasses she'd taken up to wearing. The glasses she could ditch, but Asuka still felt more comfortable with them on. She scooped up her books, notebooks and bag, and walked out the door.

When she got to school, Asuka noticed to her delight that Kurama was waiting just down the street for her. His eyes glanced over her, and she realized he was scanning to see if she had a panic attack.

I guess I was too distracted this time so I didn't send myself into a spiral. I really should see a doctor though. Kurama's ki helps, but he's not around nearly enough to mitigate my panic attacks.

"Feeling okay for your first day?" he asked in confirmation.

"I'm nervous, but I feel okay for right now. I wish, though, I could be in your class, Kurama."

"I know," he said gently. "But you're here, and that's what matters most."

Kurama was right.

He smiled. "I know you are familiar with where the office is, but I'll accompany you there nonetheless."

Asuka found her locker and put away her street shoes before walking with Kurama upstairs. Most of the students were staring at her. Did she really stand out that much? Was her appearance awkward? Uncomfortable, she smoothed down the pleated skirt and fussed with her hair.

"Thanks K-Shuichi," she said catching herself. "See you later."

There was a gleam in Kurama's eye, as he noticed her slipup. "Have a good day," he said sticking his hands in his pant pockets and walking away.

"Asuka," the Dean said coming out of the office. "Perfect timing. Are you ready to meet your classmates?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," she said with a nervous laugh.

The Dean motioned for her to follow, and he lead her upstairs and down a separate wing where he slid open the door.

"Students," the Dean said, "This is your new classmate, Asuka. She is a concert pianist, good at languages and transfers from way outside our district. Please welcome her."

Asuka walked in and bowed, thanking everyone. When she looked up, the entire class was staring at her, much in the same way they'd been staring at her while she walked in the hallway. The only exception was a boy in the back corner who looked down at his desk while frowning.

Nervous as ever, Asuka took her seat towards the middle of the room and put away her notebooks. The teacher stepped in and announced they were beginning the day with Japanese literature. Relieved she didn't have to appear stupid right away, Asuka placed the textbook on her desk, ready to start.

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