Chapter 23: Ecstasy of Gold (Or, in a trance)

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Kurama stared out from Yomi's palace into the great plane of the Makai. The blackened sky hung like an oppressive blanket ready to smother him.

At least it reflected his mood. A mood which, over the past three months, had become increasingly dark, and cold.

Toya and the others training had been coming along better than expected. There would be war in the Makai, and it was his job to make sure Yomi won. He'd be fighting Yusuke and Hiei soon. Kurama was looking forward to it.

He had little else at this point.

"There you are," Yomi said coming up next to him.

Kurama could feel his friend's bloodlust, but he paid it no mind. Yomi wouldn't kill him even if he still wanted to do so.

They'd just been in another war meeting. Kurama's spies had picked up movement from the other factions and there was a lot of paranoia from Yomi's other advisors as to what that meant. But for Kurama, it was all just a large, logical game of chess. A game he was very good at. Sometimes Kurama thought Yomi kept the most hysterical of his advisors around just to create conflict. He knew Yomi enjoyed making him sink deeper into his old habits. Kurama hated that it was working.

"You seem contemplative."

Kurama shifted to his eyes to the side. "When am I not?"

"That's true, but you're also different than you used to be, which makes you less predictable. I doubt I'll get used to it."

"I'm still me."

"If you insist."

Kurama allowed his gaze to wander the barren landscape. For a long while the silence permeated between the two yokai. He could feel Yomi staring at him.

"What is it?"

"Once, I recall, long ago, you told me that great prizes are worth great risks."


A faint smile ghosted Yomi's lips. "I'm just curious about your behavior. You've thrown yourself into the tasks I've given you with reckless abandon. I appreciate that, but I don't understand why you haven't, in, ah, other areas of your life. That woman seems important you."


At her mention, the ache he felt became more acute. It was as if his heart had the weight of a stone that had settled to the bottom of his rib cage.

Her absence had affected him deeply. Much as he tried, no amount of cold logic could make him forget her laughter, or the feel of her snuggling into his chest.

Kurama was surprised it had taken Yomi this long to mention her. Why now, of all times?

"She's not a prize."

Yomi smiled larger, aware he was pushing the right buttons. "Oh? Is that so."

Kurama continued to stare forward. "You're just saying that because you wish her to be a pawn in your game."

Yomi laughed. "Well, that is true. If she'd been around when I came to you with our proposal, I probably would have lifted her here to guarantee your cooperation."

If there was one bit of solace, it was that Asuka was safe somewhere.

At first, Kurama thought her leaving was to keep herself from becoming a hostage. If Yomi had kidnapped her, his anger might've made him do something foolish. There was no telling how the situation would've fared if she had been involved. And if Yomi found out about her ability...

At least he never discovered what she is capable of.

After he thought about Asuka's actions and behaviors, however, Kurama realized her leaving wasn't about evading Yomi—not completely anyway. If that were Asuka's only goal, she would've told him. He knew that. He imagined they would've spent a few happy days together before she packed up and left, promising to return to him when his business in the Makai was complete.

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