Chapter 18: Seliger Tod (Or, the second movement)

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Kurama felt the exhaustion down to his bones. It was physical exhaustion, mental exhaustion, and emotional exhaustion. He knew it would be bad. He felt the way Asuka trembled in his arms as she remembered her Foresight visions. And she'd been so, so sad. But still. He never could've guessed the horrors that had happened.

He watched his friend die. And he'd killed a little boy.

It was logical.

That was part of the problem. Because if given the choice, he'd do it again, and without the knowledge Koenma would bring the boy back to life. He'd do it again because he was the only one who could. A part of him felt like a monster. The other part was unperturbed. After all, he'd done much worse.

Kurama was alone on the train car, so he allowed himself the indulgence of rubbing his fingers through his hair. He just wanted to go home and sleep.

That's wishful thinking.

He was still far too wound up to sleep. There was always homework to accomplish. Maybe he'd see if doing math exercises would help calm his mind and release the adrenaline from his body.

Kurama looked out the window. Math exercises were a poor substitute to what he actually wanted—what he knew would relieve the tension thrumming through his body, and bring him some peace.


Originally, he told Asuka they'd see each other Monday because he wasn't sure how long the battle would last. But now, it was early Saturday morning, and Monday was too far away to see her, to....

Kurama sighed. Maybe it was better if he didn't see Asuka. He didn't want to stoke the...feelings he'd been battling. Some separation might be good, though he hated the idea of leaving her alone after everything that happened. His chest constricted at the thought.

The sky was just starting to lighten when he got off the train near his house. He was glad he'd sent his mother away. It was one less person to worry about, and he didn't want to explain where he'd been or hide the turmoil that still whirled inside.

When he arrived at home, Kurama was startled to find another ki exuding from the inside of his house.


He panicked and dashed in to where he sensed her. Was she hurt? Did something unexpected happen? Was she being pursued and fled to his house for safety?

He found her in the living room and exhaled. She was safe, sitting in his favorite chair, book in lap with a lamp on. Her eyes were closed, and she breathed in regular intervals.

She must've fallen asleep.

Kurama stared, unable to move. The last thing he ever expected, was for her to be here. How had she gotten in?

She fluttered her eyes and stirred. The book dropped off her lap and landed with a thud which woke her. There was a momentary pause before her eyes connected with his.


Coming home to her, seeing her like this, curled up, waiting for him, stirred his emotions. It made him feel...

She stood up. "It''s okay if you find my being here intrusive. I understand. I'll leave."

Kurama rallied. That was the absolute last thing he wanted.

"You don't need to leave," he said gently. "I'm just surprised. How did you get in here?"

She pushed one of the loose strands of her hair behind her ear and walked toward him. "Your plant let me in."

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