Chapter 22: Dolore (Or, with an emotion of pain and distress)

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"Where is Asuka?" Kurama asked the students sitting in the backstage. His entire body was thrumming. He needed to find her. He needed to take her into his arms. He needed to tell her how he felt.

"She went outside," one of the students said. "She said she had a headache."

He swallowed, now afraid. "Thank you."

Kurama turned around and opened his ki. Just at the edge of his senses he felt Asuka's vibrating. He felt that vibration begin to morph.


There wasn't much time. He had to get to her, and fast. He darted through the hallways until he found the exit.

She wasn't immediately outside.

Damn it.

Asuka was most likely trying to get away from the students so she wouldn't hurt them, but he wished she were closer.

Kurama sensed she was some distance behind the school and headed in that direction. He began to feel a physical wind blowing outward with her ki. The closer he got, the stronger the wind became.

A feeling of dread settled over him.

After Kurama had finished fighting at the hospital in Mushiyori City, he came out to find Asuka just about to tip into a ki storm. He dashed two blocks at lightning speed and just barely arrived in time to stop the tempest. Even one minute later would've been too late.

What was happening now was far worse than what happened in Mushiyori city. She was already well beyond the power output that he'd stopped before.

She's close now. I can feel it.

Kurama found Asuka back behind a secluded shed hunched over with her head between her palms. She looked up, and revealed blood streaming from her nose.

"Kurama," she said with wide, fearful eyes.

He charged, and her ki slammed him backwards into the ground. The storm intensified and she cried out before fully collapsing onto the ground.

He was too late.


Kurama morphed into his Yoko form, hoping it would give him a big enough power boost. He stood up, then with all his might, pushed against her raging ki. No matter what, he had to get to her. Kurama braced his forearms against the storm then took another step. Then another.

He didn't know how much longer her body could sustain this level of power output. He yelled, and pushed further, and further, until he could go no more. He flew backwards and rolled into the dirt.

I'm not strong enough to calm this much force, he panicked.

"Kurama!" a voice called.

He pushed himself off the ground with shaking hands to find Yusuke and Kuwabara running toward him.

"We felt Asuka's ki go haywire and rushed over," Yusuke explained. His eyebrows lifted when he saw Kurama in his Yoko form.

"I'm not strong enough, Yusuke," he said huffing. "I can't calm her storm with my ki."

Yusuke released his yoki. It crackled with intensity and when it met with Asuka's, sparks released.

"My god she's strong," Yusuke yelled over the ferocity. "I don't even know if I can help, but I'll try."

The idea of losing her now wasn't something Kurama could entertain. He curled his hands into fists and his nails dug into his palms. He felt blood drip off his hands.

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