Chapter 25: Avec (Or, free and unrestrained)

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Bright, unfiltered light streamed into the room Kurama was in and hit him on the floor. He groaned and sat up, unsure what time it was or how long he'd been unconscious.

His head felt like he'd experienced an aneurism. He wiped crusted liquid off his face, and discovered he had in fact bled out his eyes. He could still feel the lingering effects of Asuka's ki in his body.

You are so strong Asuka. And you're strong to see us like that, and still choose to walk away.

Her death was something he didn't know how to accept. Koenma said she died. Asuka said she was going to die. But he hadn't seen her die. He hadn't felt her cold body for himself.

His mind was clearer than last night. Last night, he'd been overwhelmed by the situation, and by grief. But today, he wasn't ready to give up on her. He'd go to the Raekai. He didn't care what Koenma said. He'd tear it apart looking for her.

"Kurama, we need to talk."

Botan was behind him, but he refused to turn around.

"Not now." His voice was scratchy.

"Yes now." She marched into the room and swung around him. Her eyes went wide when she saw the state he was in.

"You opened the ki box, didn't you?"

"Of course I did."

Botan shook her head then said, "That's not why I'm here. I know you. Kurama, you can't go to the Raekai looking for Asuka."

Kurama glared up at her. Botan stood over him with her arms crossed.

"I can, and I will," he said.

"We can't protect you if you violate Enma's sanctity! Kurama, she was my friend too."

Grief overtook Botan's face as she began to cry. It reminded Kurama that their friends were also shocked and hurting from the news they'd received.

"Please think about everything she sacrificed so you would go on living," Botan pleaded.

His mouth felt dry. Kurama swallowed and tried to wet his lips. He understood why Botan was trying to dissuade him, but he'd never be convinced.

"I have to see for myself."

"Her name is in the ledger! Kurama, I'm sorry."

"Can it be faked?"

She stared dumbly. "What?"

"Her name in the ledger. Can it be faked?"

Botan clamped her mouth. "I...I don't know. Maybe? But Asuka said..."

Kurama picked up the smooth wooden ki box and ran a tender finger over it.

"I know what she said, and what she saw. I've experienced how her Foresight works." A dream-like image of himself undressing Asuka slid across his mind and his eyes fluttered. "I believe there is another possibility for why the images just went black. What if... she lost her ability to see?"

Botan's eyes widened. She uncrossed her arms. "But Kurama, her Foresight is directly connected to her ki. If she lost her visions, then..."

"I know Botan," Kurama said. He forced himself off the ground and stood straight.

"And you really think Asuka wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her death and her losing her visions?"

"I think Asuka was under a lot of pressure and strain," he said. "And whatever she saw last in her Foresight probably made her believe she was going to die. I understand my hypothesis is far less likely than the obvious conclusion."

Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora