Chapter 07: Cambiare (Or, to change)

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"I never asked you yesterday," Botan said looking back at Asuaka, "What is with those glasses?"

Asuka's right hand was linked through Yukina's, so she took her left hand and moved the glasses up and down on her face. "I know," she laughed. "They're ugly and the wrong shape for my face. Its... this will sound weird, but I feel better with them on. I like having my face hidden."

"Probably has something to do with you being on the run," Shizuru said.

The girls had just entered the stadium which was already packed full of yokai for the final round of the tournament. As they took their seats, a roar from the crowd rose up in support of team Toguro.

Yukina tensed.

"Don't worry Yukina," Asuka said gently patting her hand. "No one else knows about you here. You'll be safe."

She shook her head as her cheeks dusted a light pink color. "It's not that. I'm just worried how Kuwabara will do." Yukina looked down at the empty tournament field, as if she expected him to be there.

Asuka smiled. "Knowing him, he'll be just fine."

"Are you worried about Kurama?"

Her question was so quiet that none of the other girls heard it. Asuka thought about the vision of him and Karasu and his face when he looked at her yesterday. In reality, she'd only known Kurama a few days, but it felt to her that she'd known him a lot longer. All of the boys, in fact. Yet, there was...a connection to Kurama she hadn't sensed with the others. Something that drew her to him. Was it the comfort of his ki? Or maybe because she naturally turned to him for advice?

She wanted to be his friend. The last conversation they had felt different. Perhaps Kurama wanted to be her friend as well? Maybe. All she knew was, never seeing him again after this tournament was unacceptable.

Was she worried?

"Yes," Asuka whispered. "But, I have faith in him."

In the middle of the arena, Juri raised her hand to get the crowd's attention. "I'm very sorry!" she shouted. "We apologize for the delay! Team Urameshi will now enter!"

The doors below them and to the left opened revealing the boys, who slowly walked out toward their place near the ring. The crowd began to roar with cries calling for their deaths. Asuka shivered and huddled against Yukina.

"These yokai are the worst," Botan huffed.

The boos of the crowd switched to thunderous applause when team Toguro entered the stadium from the opposite side.

"Kill them Toguro! Kill them!"

The pressure of malice from the stadium participants and from team Toguro was crushing. Asuka put her hand on her head and tried to push back a pain that was creeping through her being.

My ki is reacting, she realized with horror. If I don't get it under control, something bad will happen to me.

The only solution was to repress her ki like Kurama taught her, but it was not as easy as the other night. She wrestled with it internally, using every ounce of willpower to fold it and then stuff it into a bottle she imagined in her mind's eye. The process made her nauseous and her fingers tensed so hard on her leg her nails drew blood.

"Asuka, are you alright?" A concerned and gentle voice asked.

When Asuka opened her eyes, she found Yukina waiting for an answer. She breathed deeply and forced her body to calm. "I think so. The malice in the stadium was getting to me."

Yukina nodded and looked back toward the stadium floor. Asuka followed, surprised to see a man taller than anyone else on the team standing with the boys.

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