Chapter 13: Etude (Or, a composition intended to improve aspects of technique)

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Per Genkai's instructions, Asuka left just after dawn to hike one of the tree-covered mountains about a kilometer away from the house. There, Genkai said, she could focus on trying to understand her abilities without worrying about how they might affect the people she was in proximity to. The air was chilled, and Asuka's breath hung in it. Fall was almost here; she could feel it.

Genkai was already sitting on the mountain top's overhang, which faced east. Asuka stood for a moment and ingested the view of the rising sun before joining Genkai.

"Asuka, I need to be nearby in case something happens while you explore your abilities," the old woman said, "And I know this means you might see my future. I'm fine with it. But if you see my death, don't you dare fuckin' tell me how or when I'm going to die."

The old woman eyed her, and Genkai's swearing caught Asuka by surprise. She inhaled sharply, unsure of what to say, until she saw Genkai's crinkled lips crack into a smile. Asuka laughed. "I won't. Promise."

"Good. Now, stop suppressing your ki a little."

Since Asuka was so used to having her ki folded, it took some moments for her to relax. Once she did, warmth spread throughout her body. She exhaled, staving off tears because of the relief she felt. Her fingers tingled and her mind buzzed. Insight whispered to her about Genkai.

Don't mourn for me Genkai.

Oh, but Genkai did. She mourned for that man, every moment of every day. She'd been mourning for him well before he died, and she'd been mourning for him ever since.

It would've been a beautiful life.

Asuka gasped, then folded her ki back down. She shouldn't have seen that. It was too personal and too heartbreaking.

"Why'd you stop?" Genkai asked, her voice rough.

"I apologize, Genkai. It's just, Insight tells me things about people I have no business knowing. I didn't want to see anymore."

"I already told you I was fine if you saw my future."

"This wasn't about your future. It was personal."

Genkai tilted her head in thought, and Asuka resisted the temptation to fidget.

"It's probably better if I don't ask, so I won't," she said finally. "Let's try it again. Unsuppress your ki, but before you start getting Insight, I want you to imagine a door in your mind. Seal up all the information behind it."

Asuka obeyed. She unfolded her ki, but slower this time, and right before she felt her powers begin to whisper, she imagined a door, like Genkai suggested.

Stay in there, she thought.

"How does that feel?" Genkai asked.

"Better. I'm not getting any unwanted information about you."

"Good. Now, increase your ki output to the point where you can see the future."

Asuka did as Genkai asked, and she felt a stream of possibility stretch out behind Genkai with images just out of focus flashing behind her. It was interesting. Insight usually came unbidden to her, but the future always required effort. And unlike Insight, her Foresight had a greater pull on her. It felt tempting in a way Insight did not. Asuka resisted the urge to divine Genkai's fate.

"Do you see my future?"

"No. I mean, it's there. I could look, if I wanted. And I want to, Genkai. The future feels magnetic."

"Hmmm.... Imagine a door for the future as well."

Asuka sat still with her eyes closed and imagined a door to the future. It still felt magnetic, but at least indistinct images weren't in her peripheral. She focused on her ki and the sound of the birds chirping in the distance as she breathed. Inward, Outward.

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