Chapter 28: Affrettando (Or, hurrying and pressing onward)

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Shiori watched with great amusement as her son flitted about their home.

He was actually nervous.

"What time do you expect Asuka?" she asked, keeping the smile off her face.

"Any moment now, I believe."

Shiori couldn't recall the last time Shuichi was this jittery. It spoke volumes about how important this girl was to him.

And he almost lost her. My dear son.

It had been three weeks since he had returned from the mountains. Asuka had been picked up by some traffickers and though Shiori didn't know the specifics, she knew Asuka had been badly injured from the ordeal. She had returned to Tokyo and was staying with Kuwabara's family. Shuichi said it was the safest place she could be while having help recovering since her great aunt was very unwell.

That poor girl.

Since then, Shiori had hardly seen her son. After school he'd go to Kuwabara's house and wouldn't return until very late in the evening. In the morning, he'd get up and go see Asuka before school.

They were in the kitchen when Shiori heard a light knock. Her son practically flew to answer the door. A moment later she heard it swing open.

"Hi," she heard Shuichi say, breathless.

"Hi," a melodic voice answered.

"Thank you Shizuru, for driving Asuka."

"It's not a problem. Asuka, call me when you're ready to be picked up?"

"Sounds good," she said.

The door clicked shut.

"Let's put that over here for now," Shuichi said. "Come here?" There was a moment of silence and then, "I missed you."

There was light laughter before Asuka said, "we saw each other yesterday for a bit."

"I always miss you when we're apart. How are you feeling today, love?"

"Alright. I had a weak spell earlier, but I feel fine now."

Shiori had never heard her son speak with such tenderness. She hadn't meant to overhear their conversation, but the entry way door was so close to the kitchen and it couldn't be helped.

As discreetly as she could, Shiori crept out of the kitchen to walk to the living room. As she did so, she saw Shuichi standing in the entryway with Asuka. His hands gently cupped her cheeks as Asuka looked up at her son with utter devotion.

They didn't even notice her walk by. The scene made Shiori want to weep.

"Is Asuka here?" Her husband Kazuya asked when she entered the living room.

"Yes." The word caught in her throat.

"Everything alright, dear?"

Shiori gave a light chuckle. "I think my son found his match."

Kazuya furrowed his brow. "That's a very serious assessment, Shiori. Besides, don't you think they're a little too young to know that?"

"You'll see."

A couple minutes later Shuichi and Asuka entered the living room. Shiori assumed Asuka would be beautiful, but she still wasn't prepared for the sight the two of them made together. Asuka had violet eyes and hair that cascaded down her body in waves. She was delicate, and Shiori thought it complimented her son's features so well.

"Mother, father, this is Asuka."

Asuka bowed and her hair fell forward. "It's very nice to meet you. Thank you so much for having me."

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